Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

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Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by Jabril »

Would it be possible to allow books and other large paper texts to be showable and read-able to others? Right now I am able to write something on a slip of paper and easily allow them to read it by showing it but for some reason this does not work with items with turn-able pages. This would greatly aid me in my quest against waist and clutter as my slips of paper can become quite messy when trying to communicate with others.
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by Jirato »

I never really followed up with this post directly, but just FYI, in case you haven't seen the changelog (Which I think you have, since I've seen you using these new features), we did a major overhaul of books and such. Yay! Please be sure to thank Noctere if you see him around, he did all that.
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by Jabril »

Thanks! I have been using the show command like crazy and it works quite well. I have yet to try out the show all command yet but it is EXACTLY what I have been needing. That last event was killer trying it the old way.
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by jilliana »

It'd be kind of neat to have a show all command, in which one would show everyone in the group what you have in your right hand. Instead of getting spammed out and having to type everyone's name, show all could output something like "Jilliana shows everyone xyz thing" and then it shows it to you individually as well as everyone else at the same time.
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by Kiyaani »

Show All is in the changelog. What I'd like to see is Show Group as well as Show All so you can show your party without showing the enemy and still have ease of use.

I know you said group in your post, Jill. Just wanted to make sure the distinction is clear. Both options would be amazing. Thanks for what you've done so far, Jirato.
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by jilliana »

I saw the change after I posted. Yay for sharing!
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Re: Texts, Tomes, Books and Show

Post by Skjotur »

Cool updates, thanks for working on them.
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