Bear Strength and Hurling.

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Bear Strength and Hurling.

Post by Teek »

I think it would make sense for Bear strength to work with Hurling large weapons, such as polearms. I've never personally hurled a spear, but I assume you need a bit of strength involved. Add too it the fact that your hurling a spear with the strength of Bear, some improved damage results seem plausible. My suggestions:

-20% damage increase effects hurled weapons
-Chance for knockdown/stun, regardless of where it hits (Bit iffy on this one)
-Ability to cause reverberating crush damage when blocked by shields.

The hurling skill does not seem to have a lot of love in total. So far, max damage I've seen hurling a polearm is 101. It's enough damage, but when compared to all the fancy extras and whatsits of other ranged options, it feels kind of lackluster. If you guys disagree with the above, perhaps a skill could be added with similar effects? "Mighty Hurl" or some such.
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Re: Bear Strength and Hurling.

Post by preiman »

Thing about throwing a javelin or most other thrown weapons is, while you do need some muscle it is a lot more about speed and form to get distance and impact. The major exceptions to this are things like the hammer and shot put. The difference being how the force is to be delivered, the javelin needs enough force for its point to do the work, this is also why you throw a knife or axe end over end. A shot put, rock, hammer, etc is a slightly different beast, in these cases you are trying to maximize a blunt strike, and brute power serves a much greater role.
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Re: Bear Strength and Hurling.

Post by Jirato »

Nice explanation, Prieman. I think I'll pass on this for now. The hurling system already got some minor overhaul with knives and bandoliers and such. If we ever work on hurling 3.0, I might consider this for like hammers and stuff. But, that's going to have to be low priority. Especially considering a Dwaedn's preferred place in combat is up close and personal. :-)
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