revert /who

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revert /who

Post by Vitello »

/who at the login screen used to give a list of characters, since the anonymous who has been done away with could we change it back?
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Re: revert /who

Post by Dakhal »

I can't say I'm too fond of the idea on enabling the login screen /who back. There are people who would play exclusively in RPHardcore, but they would have a second account connected to periodically check /who.

So, you get the benefit of not being visible on who, whilst always able to see who is online, provided that they are not in RPHardcore.
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Re: revert /who

Post by Vitello »

Bah why do people need to turn to using such lame tricks.
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Re: revert /who

Post by gralkik »

Vitello wrote:Bah why do people need to turn to using such lame tricks.
You already gave that answer. And I apologize if that is mean. But, it is true. Sadly.
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Re: revert /who

Post by Kiyaani »

I used to use /who outside of logging in to see if there was someone online I needed to contact or RP with specifically - especially if I didn't necessarily want to commit time to playing otherwise. But without that functionality it means you have to login to know. This is fine, sure, but if you're on a time limit or have a specific goal and someone sees you they might start something up IC and then there's expectations as this is an RP enforced game. I liked having the option of knowing what I was getting into before logging in.

I get that part of the reason for leaving it unclear who is on prior to logging in is to get people to login. You might see someone you don't like to RP with and avoid logging in which is bad for the overall population numbers. Alternatively, you might see someone you love to RP with and login for that reason. It goes both ways. And it seems silly to force someone to login just to see who's on.

With regards to the RP Hardcore workaround - honestly... who cares? I've always seen RP Hardcore as being more about IC interactions not about the /who list. If people want to be stinkers and have open a second window to see who's on and use that information to act on IC then that's on them. If they want to be hardcore (or even just offline) and still know who's on so they know if they can grind in peace or need to be extra guarded in case Joe the Axe Murderer shows up - that's also on them. /who is OOC. I get that. I don't think anyone doesn't get that. But I don't think it's a good reason to keep the information hidden prior to login. People should be trusted to use it responsibly and if they don't then what really is the harm?
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Re: revert /who

Post by Jirato »

The reason why it was left vague prior to login isn't really anything special. It's just that I forgot it was two separate commands. :-D

If people want to find a way to cheat around the rphardcore settings, so be it. They'll find other ways even without it. Everyone has friends that play. Just message them in Skype/whatever and say, "hey, who's online? I'm rphardcore right now." It's not something I'm looking at spending considerable effort to prevent.

I'm actually quite fond of Somnium's proposed cloak system. I wouldn't mind just going that route instead. Cloaked players don't have their names visible on who, but they can still use it.
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Re: revert /who

Post by Kiyaani »

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Re: revert /who

Post by Jaster »

I enjoy logging off mid RP. It keeps peo
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Re: revert /who

Post by Jaster »

Sorry, I had to log off. It keeps people on their toes.
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Re: revert /who

Post by jilliana »

Giving this thread a little nudge just because I agree with the sentiments here even if Jirato didn't really have a problem with it anyways. But really though, did the GMs decide whether or not to put this back in?
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