Sitting on all the things

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Sitting on all the things

Post by Ardor »

I was on the workyard and tried to find something other than the floor to sit on, unfortunately you cannot sit on the anvil, the worktable or the furnace. Or a wagon. There is actually a lot of things that should be sittable but are not. Cloaks on the floor, barrels, wagons, handcarts, logs, the edge of a canyon, a salamander, a pile of riln, the shelving in a house, staircases, fences, trees, dead bodies, living bodies that are lying down, swords, anvils, chests, trunks...

Can we maybe get more things one can sit on?
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by sona »

"sit on peasant" Target player or NPC has less than 25% of your bank savings as their net worth to the city, you may sit on them with impunity while in a major city.
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by Tamsin »

Sitting on people should definitely be a thing! I approve of this message.
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by Kiyaani »

I always picture anvils not on the floor and too high to sit on. Plus I'm sure you're not actually the only person in the workyard using it even if you're the only PC. And why would a furnace be able to be sat on? Do you want to burn your bum? I wouldn't mind some things being included, however. The last time this particular issue came up we just asked for a bench to be added in the Corvus blacksmith/workyard and it was an easy solution.
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by jilliana »

Wagons, handcarts, tables, counters...and most definitely people.
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by Dorn »

Yes. People. I want to trample Teek, jump off my horse, and then sit on him.
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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by Hayl »

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Re: Sitting on all the things

Post by Jirato »

The way the sit mechanics work would make just adding sit to any random object rather complicated and open up a world of problems. Sorry.

I'd make the anvil sit-able, but then I'd have to code in checks to the forge verb to see if anyone was on the anvil before you started working.
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