Locking doors

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Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

You can't lock something with a black oilcloth umbrella!
Would it be possible to change it so a door could be locked even if you're holding an item, so long as you have the other prerequisites for locking (key on ring on belt), and you have a free hand?

Right now I need to drop my umbrella or put it in a container to lock my door. It isn't much of a hassle but it would be a nice touch!
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Re: Locking doors

Post by ydia »

attach the key to a keyring, and this isn't an issue.
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Jaster »

I think they're already using a keyring.

If that's the case, you should be able to leave the door locked and unlock/walk-through/close and lock it automatically as long as you're wearing your keyring, Tamsin. Just try walking through it normally.
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

Hi again! the key is indeed on a keyring, and my door hasn't been letting me 'enter' it from the inside. i have bugged it and i don't know if it's been changed recently to let me do that.

thanks for the tips but if the situation outlined as i have would be fixed it would be really nice too :p
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Hayl »

To fix this, just lock the door from the inside.
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

Hayl wrote:To fix this, just lock the door from the inside.

Hi, I locked the door, but it doesn't seem to be changed...
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Jaster »

If you're already inside wouldn't you just have to type "out"? You can't "enter" because you're already "in". It's really hard to tell what you're doing wrong without seeing it. Mind posting a log of it?
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

[Haiban Tower, Electrum Suite] (InUr)
Large electrum-framed windows dominate the entire western wall, giving a glimpse of the well-lit city. A squat soapstone stove sits in the far corner with shelves built above it in an asymmetrical pattern. A thick cedar door leads back out to the hallway.
The area is completely silent.
You also notice an oval cherry table inlaid with dark redwood patterns with some stuff on it, a cushioned cherry chair (x3), a round loose-woven rug made of soft faded fabric, an exquisite willow weapon rack with some stuff on it, a trunk (open) and a black oilcloth umbrella.
Obvious exits: north.


l door
You see nothing particularly unusual about the thick cedar door.
It is closed.

enter door
That is closed.
get umbrella
You pick up a black oilcloth umbrella with your right hand.

unlock cedar door
You unlock a thick cedar door.
open cedar door

You open a thick cedar door.
enter cedar door

You head through a thick cedar door.

[Haiban Tower, First Floor] (InUr)
Two doors sit on either side of the hallway, with a single vase between them. A large painting of trees and a field of flowers sits on the very northern wall next to two windows that look out over the Coalition. A grand double staircase leads down to the lobby while a modest stairwell leads up to the third floor.
The area is completely silent.
There are some homes here.
Obvious exits: none.


close cedar door
You close the door to a thick cedar door.
lock cedar door

You can't lock something with a black oilcloth umbrella!
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Kiyaani »

I have a few questions that might help with troubleshooting this issue.

Has the door ever acted normally for you or has it always been this way? Does it act normally if you do not have anything in your hands and all other conditions are met?

Conditions being - it being closed, locked, having the key on a keyring that is currently worn, and simply trying to go or enter door.
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

It's always acted this way.

For the problem of just going 'enter door' from the inside, I've never been able to 'enter door' from the inside, with all the necessary conditions met.

The door locks just fine if I don't have an umbrella in my hand.
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Tamsin »

Hi, just updating, this was fixed! Thanks to everyone who helped!
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Re: Locking doors

Post by Jirato »

Just a note, if anyone else encounters an issue similar to this, please stand in the room with the door and bug it. The issue is with the door being set up incorrectly, not the unlock command. If the door is correct then unlock (and go/enter) will work regardless of what's in your hand, assuming you've got the key on a key ring.
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