stacked fear effects...too much roundtimes?

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stacked fear effects...too much roundtimes?

Post by Kent »

[*]Character was in a room fighting a basilisk and getting repeatedly feared...put him in what seemed to be increasing roundtimes of about 15 to 25 seconds. Didn't have much chance of winning but when a second basilisk showed up, had zero, so tried to flee, both basilisks did fear effects and roundtime grew to 45 secs...was dead before 45 secs were lapsed.

Doesn't seem right that these fear effects should accumulate as they do. Maybe a cap of 15 seconds total?
Seems similar to original spider web mechanic, once under the effect once, there's no getting out of it and death is inevitible.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: stacked fear effects...too much roundtimes?

Post by Acarin »

Yeah, basilisk fear effect is pretty insane. Especially considering there's no way to train against it.
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