The Market, Purchasing

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The Market, Purchasing

Post by Dorn »

Hmph. Either I'm screwing with the syntax, or mucking it up somehow... but if not, can we get a way of ordering multiple items at once from the marketplace and have it all go in a container like a normal store?
Uyoku takes a bite of her smelly skunk poop.
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Re: The Market, Purchasing

Post by Jirato »

The market is kinda considered for bulk purchases of large commodities that would not normally be carried around in containers. That's why there's already a system in place to order multiple items directly into a handcart or wagon. Not saying we'll never add the ability to order into a held container, but the order command is kinda messy. For now, please just use a handcart or wagon. I'll see about updating it later.
[Shadgard, Market Street] (market) { sg_market | shadgard | shadgard } (OutUr) [semiarid] Chilly, Fair, Calm
This open plaza is filled with townsfolk, some manning booths or stalls, all haggling with each other in an attempt to buy or sell commodities. A narrow alley winds
between the General Store and a large warehouse on the south side of the street, while a similarly narrow passage squeezes between an annex and depot on the northern side
of the street.
There is quite a crowd of people here. The area is very noisy.
You also notice a large sign and a pine handcart (being pulled by yourself).
There are some homes here.
Obvious paths: west, northeast.


The following commodities are for sale:

------ HERBS & FUNGI ------
1. some fresh yellow-green bitemoss: 22 riln ... (1 available)
2. some fresh bitterleaf: 9 riln ... (32 available)
3. some fresh cuttings of lifevine: 6 riln ... (217 available)
4. some fresh stems of thistleweed: 2 riln ... (9 available)
------ SKINS & PELTS ------
5. a raw poor large crab leg: 15 riln ... (13 available)
6. a raw average large crab leg: 15 riln ... (10 available)
------ WOOD ------
7. a large maple log: 75 riln ... (1 available)
8. a medium straight maple branch: 2 riln ... (15 available)
(You may filter your results with order [category], where category is one of produce, fish, gem, metal, stone, wood, skin, meat, herb, common, or finished.)


You feel fully rested.

order 3 5
You purchase some fresh cuttings of lifevine (5 units) from a buyer for 30 riln and have them loaded into your pine handcart.

l in handcart
In the pine handcart you see some fresh cuttings of lifevine (x5).
There is plenty of room left in the pine handcart.
[GMCHAT Uyoku]: Octum is when the octumbunny comes around and lays pumpkins everywhere right?
[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
[CHAT - GameMaster Rias would totally nuke Rooks]: Here's how elemancy works: The freeblegreeble and the zippoflasm have to be combined with the correct ration of himbleplimp, then you add the gargenheimer and adjust the froopulon for the pattern you want, apply some tarratarrtarr, yibble the wantaban, and let 'er rip!
Posts: 693
Joined: Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:45 am

Re: The Market, Purchasing

Post by Dorn »

Okay J, thanks for the reply. Saw 200 comfrey, and was all "Heck yes!". I'll pop off for a handcart next time quickly before I raid it all.
Uyoku takes a bite of her smelly skunk poop.
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