Ability transparency

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Ability transparency

Post by Jaster »

I recently picked up hamstring on an alt and found out I couldn't use it with my axe. Apparently it takes a sword or dagger, but there was nothing in the description indicating that limitation.

So that got me thinking, after the suggestion from a friend, that it would be a good idea to have more transparency with abilities. By that I mean such things as stating weapon limitations (as in this case), other limitations they may have, and maybe even what skills they are dependent upon (as most dirty tricks are heavily stealth dependant). Currently there are only a few verbal cues in the description of some of these abilities that are easily overlooked.
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Re: Ability transparency

Post by Zoiya »

This was suggested in a Skype call the other day, and we fully agree that more information would be useful for you guys to have. As we move forward balancing and taking a look at generalization, we will be adding to the ability descriptions and also updating it on the wiki.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
[CHAT - Kent "Gunney" Gunderman]: *gingerly hugs back*
[CHAT - Grandmaster Ardor will be NOM'd by a drakolin]: You can give Zoiya a bearhug Kent, she can handle it.
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