Ideas for Weapon Specialization: Daggers

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Ideas for Weapon Specialization: Daggers

Post by Sneaky »

I'm sure there's already a few ideas floating about for the weapon specializations, but I thought I'd come up with a few and help out. I hope these are given serious thought and consideration.

Daggers: Blinding strike
Similar to riposte, excepts would trigger off of a successful dodge rather than a parry.
Pre-reqs, Weapon Specialization: Dagger, Daggers: 750

Daggers: Intimidation
Grants the chance to intimidate your opponents. Significantly lowers their offensive rolls, but slightly bumps their defenses.
Pre-reqs: WeaponSpecialization: Dagger, Daggers: 1000.

Daggers: Dagger Surprise
Grants the user a low passive chance to hurl a weapon that is set to be auto hurled in a container on them at the end of each round. Maybe 20% chance. One or both hands must be free to take advantage of this ability.
Pre-Req: Weapon Specialization: Dagger, Dagger skill 750, Hurl weapon 250.

Daggers:: Blinding Strike
An infested guard attacks you with his copper shortsword!
shortsword (-------) Dodged!
You take advantage of An infested guard's failed attack to deliver a lightning fast blow with your steel dagger!
dagger (+*****) 19 pierce damage (chest)
(energy -1)
(energy -5)
-1 energy for the dodge, -5 energy for the strike.

Daggers: Intimidation
You spin your blade from hand to hand quickly working the motions up to a blinding blur!
An infested guard seems more cautious of you.
You begin to stab at the air franticly with your blade hoping to show off your combat prowess.
An infested guard doesn't seem impressed by your antics.
The messaging can varry from level to level depending on how successful your roll is.

Daggers: Dagger Surprise
You attack an infested guard with your steel dagger!
dagger (+*****) Dodged!
dagger (+*****) 23 pierce damage - (right leg, greaves)
As you pull back from your attack you dip into your bandolier and fling the retrieved blade at your opponent!
A well balanced steel throwing knife hurtles toward an infested guardsman! (=) 7 pierce damage (right arm)
(energy -5)
(energy -2)
/-5 energy for the attack, -2 for the hurled weapon.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!
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Re: Ideas for Weapon Specialization: Daggers

Post by Kunren »

No one will post these ideas in the spiffy thread I made for em. *cries*
Life is like a box of chocolates. The caramel filled ones are the best.
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