Keyrings, laynards and holders

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Keyrings, laynards and holders

Post by Avedri »

Thank you so much for the update to keyrings, it is so much better!

It seems like Kyskie/mysterious GM was talking about the possibility of opening a shop with laynards. This would be awesome! In addition to this, can we get additions of different kinds of belts that we can customize? I'm especially thinking of when wearing dresses that cinchers, girdles, sash and trusses would be more appropriate.

Appreciate it!
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Re: Keyrings, laynards and holders

Post by Zoiya »

Lanyards, Chatelaine and Keyrings are available in Mistral Lake Housing Authority. I haven't put them anywhere else and I probably won't unless a guru tells me specifically that they are welcome in their city.

Also, I dunno if you noticed, but certain types of belts already do bind or wrap around certain kinds of clothing in different ways, though we always are looking for things to expand, PM me some of your ideas and I will discuss them with the Dev.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
[CHAT - Kent "Gunney" Gunderman]: *gingerly hugs back*
[CHAT - Grandmaster Ardor will be NOM'd by a drakolin]: You can give Zoiya a bearhug Kent, she can handle it.
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