Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

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Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Wasn't sure where this would go, so pls move as neccesary. This thread is for y'all to make some ideas for abilities for each type of weapon, requiring weapon Masteries, such as riposte for light swords or revolver fanning for firearms. Feel free to give ideas for any and every weapon type, but remember light swords and firearms already have some love so don't blow it up with suggestions for those :p try to avoid OP suggestions as well if possible!
Heres a few of mine to start:
Axe juggler
Provides access to the juggle command when holding at least one one-handed axe. Also gives a large bonus to throwing one handed axes.
Prerequisites:Hafted mastery, weapons throwing at 250.
Fisherman(Needs new name bahah)
Allows the use of hand and a half sized polearm to be used 1 handed at full potential as if it was held with the off hand free, when the opposite hand holds a whip.
Prerequisites: polearm mastery,whip mastery,dual wielding, whips+polearms at 1000, two weapon combat at 1000.

Had a few others but too lazy to
Put em down.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Fayne »

I'd like to see some archery love. Maybe an ability that acts similar to hamstring, where you shoot a particularly vulnerable area of the leg, such as the knee, to stun the enemy, knock them down, and make ot harder for them to get back up. The downside could be less actual damage.

Another ability that'd be nice is something that grants a chance for arrows fired from hiding to chink and ignore armor. A skilled archer who has caught an enemy unaware could easily study their target and aim for the weak points in their armor.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Lun »

Speaking of Weapon Masteries, I felt sad that casters were left out of them. Sorcery Mastery, Pyromancy Mastery, Thaumaturgy Mastery, etc.etc. would be greatly appreciated for us folk that dedicate ourselves to the arts of spells. Note that with certain magicks like elemancy, getting that master pyromancy ability could count as having pyromancy specialization (so it's like a buff to the already existing master mancy ability)

Sorcery mastery would need its own ability, as would Cryomancy mastery (which you can take both of if you swing that way)

Examples of abilities to go with weapon masteries:

Triple shot with bows mastery. String more than one arrow because you're cool and you think you can be a 1 man arrow rain!
Some sort of restraining ability with whip masterers. It occupies both the whip master and the target.
Staff masterers can deflect arrows by spinning their staves?

Masters are more than incredibly good with doling out damage, they also know how to hold themselves back and exhibit control. Not so much reducing your character's roll but reducing the damage he puts out (so if you've got like a longsword suddenly it does a max of 10 damage, rather than reducing a roll of 1000 to 300.)
Maybe everyone gets a form of combat restraint perk they can turn on and off from being a weapons master so they can spar with other people at the cost of gaining skill exp.
As in if you turn on combat restraint, you won't get exp from fighting. This'll be good for facilitating in game sparring between the different weapon masters and people won't have to constantly get a new wooden weapon. This way you can use your Mastercrafted Celestium Warbroadflamberge +10 without killing people in an IC manner because you're that good at using a sword!

Maybe with mastery of casting, you unlock a generic 'charged' shot that takes additional energy and RT to cast but has a much higher damage output? (Or at least with sorcery! Why does sorcery do so little if it violently reacts with flesh anyway? It should leave gaping wounds, not like 30 damage!)
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Lysse »

Fayne wrote:I'd like to see some archery love. Maybe an ability that acts similar to hamstring, where you shoot a particularly vulnerable area of the leg, such as the knee, to stun the enemy, knock them down, and make ot harder for them to get back up. The downside could be less actual damage.

Another ability that'd be nice is something that grants a chance for arrows fired from hiding to chink and ignore armor. A skilled archer who has caught an enemy unaware could easily study their target and aim for the weak points in their armor.
You can already frequently shoot a person in the leg and knock them down in a single hit, if they're in little armor. And I don't think allowing ranged PCs to armor chink at range is a generally good idea, since there's no risk involved in shooting someone with an arrow, versus stabbing them, to armor chink them.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

So! Heres a few others that I thought up. Im prepared for tomatoes to be thrown if any are OP.


With a scythe in hand, you will place your foot on the back of a prone enemy, slide the blade around the neck, and yank.
OOC:Works functionally the same as coup du morte, but the enemy must be prone and you must have a scythe in hand, also slightly better chances for success.
Prerequisites:Hafted mastery

Crushing Blow
With a mace or hammer in hand, you wind up for a mighty blow, crushing whatever it hits, if it hits.
OOC:With a mace or hammer in hand, can do a large amount of damage to armor integrity, shield durability, or weapon durability, depending on what it hits. More effective with a two handed weapon.
Prerequisites:Hafted mastery

Whirling Wind Up
When using a sling, the longer you whirl it, the more power your throw will have.
OOC:Can begin whirling a sling for up to ten rounds worth of time, firing it by typing whirl once more or once ten rounds are completed, massively increasing damage and accuracy with each uninterrupted round.
Prerequisites:Sling Mastery

With any sword of sufficient size, you can attempt to impale an enemy. This leaves you very vulnerable.
OOO:Roots an enemy and does massive damage to the chest or abdomen, depending on where it hits. Need a sword of at least broadsword length. You will be unable to attack for the duration of the snare, and have no parry or dodge rolls, so will be vulnerable to attack, Enemy can still parry at massively reduced effectiveness, but not dodge.
Prerequisites:Sword mastery

I have more, but have once again run out of time bah.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by preiman »

Shield crusher.
A powerful swing of your weapon doesn't even attempt to bypass your opponent's defenses, instead plowing right into them.
OOC your weapon either does higher than normal damage to the arm holding a shield, or damages the hand a parrying weapon is in, and possibly disarming them of the weapon.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Acarin »

Sword mastery: Hilt strike
When using lighter swords, a chance to follow up an attack that has been dodged with a quick backwards strike from the hilt. Minor damage but high successes may knock the target out or induce rt.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by preiman »

quick addition to my post, because i can't find the edit link right now. my suggestion would be for hafted weapons, though chains might also be able to do something similar
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Fayne »

It's already harder if not impossible to parry heavy weapons, and go against a bandit with a shield sometime and tell me they don't already do enough damage to a shield arm, especially since it is usually gonna be your best defense if you use armor and ensures that all damage is centralized in one area.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Snatch and Catch
An extremely difficult maneuver, in which you use your whip to yank an opponents weapon out of their very hands and into your own.
OOC: When using a whip with the offhand free, you can try to SNATCH. This features two separate rolls, one for the disarm itself, and another for catching the weapon in question in your off hand.
prerequisites: Whip Mastery, Disarm.

Stave Spinning
By spinning your staff at intense speeds, you gain the ability to parry with either end of your staff. This will tire you quickly however.
OOC: Gain a second parry roll while wielding a staff for 30 seconds, offtime of 3 minutes.
Prerequisites: Staff Mastery

By swinging your flail to perfectly enhance every aspect of the force, you can deal far more damaging blows. So much force is put in however, that the flail has a fair chance to bounce back and do equal damage to the user.
OOC: Can toggle the mode to do much increased damage with chained weapons, but get a good chance of gettin smacked by your own flail on every attack.
Prerequisites: Chained Mastery

Just want to put in here that I am aware that these are actually Weapon Specialisation:Whatever, but weapon mastery is far less of a mouthful.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Pommel strike
Larger swords have an advantage over smaller, thinner swords in that their hilt is far sturdier. True mastery of these swords lie not only in making use of the blade, but the pommel and cross guard as well.
OOC:Gain the ability to use the command "Pommel" to strike with the hilt of a large blade, doing crush damage and potentially stunning the opponent if The head is hit.
Requirements:Sword Mastery

Half-Swording Tactic
Many longer swords, especially the long sword itself, are forged with an unsharpened section along the blade, designed to be gripped with the off hand. This provides extremely good leverage to be used in a stabbing motion, allowing the swords to pierce plate armor far easier. However defense becomes much more difficult.
OOC:Reduces parry rolls with large swords severely, and changes all damage to piercing. Increases armor chink chances by a large degree.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Here is a picture of someone half-swording, which is the figure on the left. The one on the right has turned the sword around,and,using the unsharpened section of the blade is attacking with the crossguard in a hammer like motion.

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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Noctere »

This was an old debate we had amongst the staff a while ago. The issue was not whether or not it was historically accurate but rather would be it balanced for the game to allow for special or extra strikes of this type. We came to the conclusion to not do anything with it at the time however we may reevaluate it here soon-ish.

Interesting Fact:
Something like this DOES exist in the code but was commented out during the previously mentioned debate.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Noctere wrote:This was an old debate we had amongst the staff a while ago. The issue was not whether or not it was historically accurate but rather would be it balanced for the game to allow for special or extra strikes of this type. We came to the conclusion to not do anything with it at the time however we may reevaluate it here soon-ish.

Interesting Fact:
Something like this DOES exist in the code but was commented out during the previously mentioned debate.
Sounds super awesome. I'd love some heavy sword love. Was just doing a bunch of research on weapons today looking for suggestions for here and came across this, apparently medieval European martial arts were mostly based on the longsword. Saw a few other things that might be cool to have in but wasn't sure if they were ok(a Russian sword with no crossguard at all, some Chinese swords and daggers, karambit, old monk sharpened spade thing.)
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Dorn »

Kunren wrote:
Noctere wrote:This was an old debate we had amongst the staff a while ago. The issue was not whether or not it was historically accurate but rather would be it balanced for the game to allow for special or extra strikes of this type. We came to the conclusion to not do anything with it at the time however we may reevaluate it here soon-ish.

Interesting Fact:
Something like this DOES exist in the code but was commented out during the previously mentioned debate.
Sounds super awesome. I'd love some heavy sword love. Was just doing a bunch of research on weapons today looking for suggestions for here and came across this, apparently medieval European martial arts were mostly based on the longsword. Saw a few other things that might be cool to have in but wasn't sure if they were ok(a Russian sword with no crossguard at all, some Chinese swords and daggers, karambit, old monk sharpened spade thing.)
I'd like to see some heavy weapon love in general. Considering all the weapon abilities right now want a "light" weapon, (usually a light sword as well) just seeing stuff for the big whackers would be great.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Dorn »

Reckless Strike
-Throwing caution to the wind, you move forward and launch one single deadly strike. Your opponent immediately strikes you with one attack with you having 0 defense, but in return you possibly land a deadly blow.
(Basically, a reverse riposte. You use it, your opponent gets one single hit against you automatically and in return you either get an attempt to hit with shall we say, 50-100% increased damage or a maneuver type attack that causes a severe wound somewhere. Not sure which would be more balanced.)

-Using the weight of your weapon, you rain down a series of blows at your opponent in an effort to force their guard down or knock them off balance.
(You're less looking to slip past their defenses, and more make them drop them. Very effective vs shield users, causing damage to their shield if successful and lowering their defenses fort a short time. Possible knockdown. Shouldn't be effective vs those who dodge... not sure how to implement that though in terms of mechanics.)

(Should be adjusted. Have a scale based on what armor the player is using. Those not wearing any have an easier time connecting, but those who do cause increased damage)

Sweeping Blow
-Using the length of your weapon, you force your opponent back and away to make some space between you and them.
(Personally, I think the Flurry maneuver should be split into two things. Leave the multi-hit on one target where it is, and move the hitting several targets to limited to weapons with reach. If not that... then have this apply an attack debuff to the enemy for a period of time, or a possible disengage.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Tactics Quickdraw
The act of drawing a sword from a scabbard can be refined into an extremely quick and deadly technique for those who wish to master it. By instantly drawing, slicing their opponents, and resheathing their sword in the same movement a brand new combat style can be formed.
OOC: When using tactics quickdraw, you will set a single sword in which you will draw, slice, and resheath in the same round, incurring roundtime only after the fact. However, as your sword will be sheathed when not immediately attacking, you lose the benefit of parry rolls. The speed of the movement however reduces your roundtime by 1 second. (Possibly two? Dunno if that would be overly OP or not.) Requires both hands to be free (One to draw the sword, one to hold the scabbard).
Requirements: Sword mastery, 750 swords.

Figured Id just talk about the pros and cons I can see with this ability.

Pros: Lessened roundtime, cant be disarmed

Cons: No parry rolls, only one strike per round no matter the sword, cant be used with two handed swords, possibly lessened effect from hand and a half swords?, blade slap wouldn't be able to be used with it for the sake of balance, must use a scabbard with the sword (Ie no baldrics), doesn't work with two weapon combat, no ability to use a shield.

Feel free to give any input you might have
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Acarin »

This seems really asian in design. You're probably referring to Iaijutsu, which heavily relies on the shape and design of the katana. I doubt this sort of thing could be done with any of the heavier swords or a short sword, longsword, broadsword, rapier, etc. I like the idea but I just can't think of a sword type in game that this would work for (and I think it would be a waste of an ability point if it was highly limited).
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Vinz »

Iaijutsu is out, but a kind of awesome quick draw ability that allows you to grab a weapon from its sheath in reaction to an attack to get that first parry roll would be nifty i think.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Kunren »

Acarin wrote:This seems really asian in design. You're probably referring to Iaijutsu, which heavily relies on the shape and design of the katana. I doubt this sort of thing could be done with any of the heavier swords or a short sword, longsword, broadsword, rapier, etc. I like the idea but I just can't think of a sword type in game that this would work for (and I think it would be a waste of an ability point if it was highly limited).
It was my inspiration yes, but I figured something similar might be done here even if it wouldn't work IRL. Just cause that sword style is awesome and I hate to not have it in just cause of the Asian weapon ban.
Vinz wrote:Iaijutsu is out, but a kind of awesome quick draw ability that allows you to grab a weapon from its sheath in reaction to an attack to get that first parry roll would be nifty i think.
Thanks for the answer, Vinzy. That ability does sound fun to use, if a bit situational.
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Re: Abilities requiring Weapon Masteries:Ideas

Post by Xyra »

So, just sat down for a while and tried to come up with some cool abilities for various weapon types, because I agree that many of the weapons could use some love. I'm sure plenty of these need balancing of one sort of another, and some might not be wanted or practical, but I thought I'd just throw out a big list as idea fodder.

Overdraw – By using the drawing motion to over extend the bowstring, and release without a proper aim, you fire faster and with more power, but lack the time to aim and put added strain on the bow. Increased damage, decreased fire time, greatly reduced accuracy, increased durability loss on bow/chance to break the string and cause small damage to head/eye from string snapping.

Volley – Sync up attacks with another archer, each aiming slightly to either side of the center of the target, virtually ensuring a hit from one. Requires two people with the skill to both activate it, giving them the same roundtime and firing their shots together (Shot would actually occur when both people do the attack command.) The target would have a seriously decreased dodge roll for the first shot. If the first shot hits, the target gets a seriously increased dodge roll, if the first shot misses, target still gets the decreased dodge roll.

Windup – Taking the extra time to get a chained weapon spinning gives it more heft than the strongest arm could provide another weapon, but takes time and limits attack options. Large damage increase, but increased roundtime. Opponent has increased chance to block or parry, but additional damage goes through a block/parry because of the added force.

To The Flesh – When firing a firearm in melee, you take advantage of the opponent's proximity, putting the barrel almost to their flesh or armor before pulling the trigger. Increased accuracy based on melee skill, slightly increased damage, and fire damage from the explosion. Attack can be parried.

Bandoleer barrage – Your preparedness pays off as you fire a barrage of flintlock shots from one flintlock after another. Allows you to prepare a bandoleer with up to six flintlocks, all preloaded. When in combat, you can use the bbarrage command to fire them one after another with reduced roundtime, automatically replacing them after shot. Requires both hands free to perform.

Reach Around/Bypass/I can't think of a good name – Blocks and parries have a chance to be negated due to the haft of the weapon being blocked instead of the head. Increased chance for the scythe

Hook – Blocks and parries have a chance to cause the weapon/shield to be disarmed as they catch on the head of the weapon as it is retrieved.

Hold the Line – Any time you are attacked in melee, you get a free preemptive attack with reduced accuracy and damage. If the attack hits, you hold your attacker at bay, preventing them getting close enough to attack you.

Set Weapon – You've learned to prepare yourself for a charge. The first attack an opponent makes on you after closing into melee prompts a free preemptive attack with increased damage as you use your enemy's movements against them to let them impale themselves on your weapon. The free attack from Hold the Line is overridden by Set Weapon, but if Set Weapon hits, the enemy won't get to attack as per Hold the Line. Likely stun/impale/bleed/bad stuff. Might require setup.

Arcing blow – You give up on small jabs accurate jabs and focus on using the swinging force of your weapon to your advantage. All damage is shifted to hack/slash and accuracy is decreased, but damage is greatly increased by your powerful but somewhat predictable attacks.

Fleet of foot – Slings are easier than most other ranged weapons to use on the move, and you've learned to use that to your advantage. When in tactics: guerrilla, you have an increased chance to break from melee range.

Smack and Back – Refining on the art of fighting on the move, you've learned to get in a quick smack with your sling in melee before retreating out of range. Whenever you use fleet of foot, you get a free melee attack with your sling, using your melee and sling skill for the attempt.

Twirl – A spin of your staff is fast enough to knock arrows from the air and even occasionally deflect a bullet. Gives you a parry against ranged attacks, with decreased effectiveness against firearms.

Pull (Get Over Here!) – Provides a chance to catch an enemy with your whip and pull them towards you, stunning them for a moment and giving you a chance to attack with your offhand weapon.

Entangle – A skillful flick of the wrist and tossing of the handle allows you to entangle an enemy fully with your whip when you already have them at a disadvantage at the cost of your whip. Can only be used shortly after a trip, disarm, pull, or other special from a whip has been activated, and entangles your enemy (similar to spider web) but causes you to drop your whip (similar to a trap).

Crack – The tip of the whip moves faster than the eye, and is impossible to truly block. Sacrifice ability to diarm, trip, and pull in exchange for negating parry and block rolls on the enemy, as well as decreasing dodge. Damage is increased slightly, moreso for blade tipped whips.

Sweep – Attempt to take an opponent's legs out from under them. Requires a large weapon (polearms, staffs, greatswords, possibly chain weapons, etc.) This would work similar to a tackle. Less accurate, but a hit would also do weapon damage to the legs, and a near miss could still offbalance the enemy for a moment as they have to hop out of the way.

Tactics: Restful – You attempt to catch a breath in the fight, switching to the defense. No attacking in the stance, it also gives you decreased dodge as you try and move around less, but allows you to potentially recover energy in a fight.

Angry Housewife – Truly no one knows the power of a woman angered. Only usable by females, causes the frying pan to treat cooking as the weapon skill, and increases the damage to that of a warhammer, with all attacks automatically hitting the head if they hit.

Mad Haddock – Truly the fish is the most elegant of weapons, why can they not see this? You're so crazy, that it seems to bend reality, making the fish into a formidable weapon. The kind of weapon depends on the fish. All defensive rolls against the fish wielder are decreased, with the first attack negating defense rolls entirely, as no one can truly take you seriously.
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