Ideas for herb usage!

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Ideas for herb usage!

Post by jilliana »

Here are some ideas I came up with right off the bat:

* Berry Mash: Combine emberberries and thornberries to create a slightly stronger and more filling food source.
Drawback: Can't really be stored due to its mushyness. It's more something you do when you have a few emberberries and thornberries in your bag and are out of rations and those two types of berries alone don't quite do the job.

* Odor Suppressor: For those that aren't always near a river or water source but want to feel somewhat clean until they can wash up. It is a combination of mint or rosemary with at least 2 or 3 samples of bitemoss.
Drawback: This is obviously not meant to replace the expensive perfumes already in the game. This could only last 10 or 15 minutes at the most. Not only that, but it's not something one can use over and over. One'll have to make more of it if one smells again.

* Horse Energizer: This would be particularly handy for warhorses, since they don't sit even after they become exhausted. I thought of this one because sometimes there is an event going on and people need to go places a bit quicker and don't want to sit around waiting for their horse to rest up. It could be a combination of 3 lifevine, 1 skyroot and 1 mountain bloom. I'm not sure if this would be consumed or would be applied topically around the muzzle.
Drawback: It would energize a horse only up to another handful of rooms, maybe even more if it's just road riding.

I know these ideas aren't poultices for healing scrapes and stuff like that, but it'd be nice if herbs had more uses than just healing or food additives.

Looking forward to reading everyone else's suggestions.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Barius »

All these sound fairly interesting, less sure about the horse one. I could see it being a character pick-me-up. It might give you a little more pep, but you'd have to be careful of overusing it and passing out when it runs out. Same if it was implemented for horses, I think.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by jilliana »

Barius wrote:All these sound fairly interesting, less sure about the horse one. I could see it being a character pick-me-up. It might give you a little more pep, but you'd have to be careful of overusing it and passing out when it runs out. Same if it was implemented for horses, I think.
You just reminded me that I forgot to add something to the horse energizer. This can't be consumed by humans unless you want something to happen to you. Poisoning anyone? Just an idea! :)
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Skjotur »

I won't suggest which herbs go into making these but here are some ideas for herb uses in general.

-Poisons. Some can cause excruciating pain, some can drain energy, some can make you weak for a while so you can't get fully rested, some can make you move slowly, some can have a chance to make the target pass out, some can make you vomit, some can cause temporary blindness, some can make a wound so it can't heal for a while (useful on infested who heal really fast).
-Cures. I've gotten an upset stomach in game a few times, and I've heard of people getting coughs or colds. Mix up some herbal cures that make the sickness go away faster or lessen the effect it has on you or both. Also cures for poisons I listed above.
-Salves, balms, and unguents. These are like Baerden mentioned before. A small jar of stuff that can be applied to a scrape or light wound and it will heal up quickly. Multiple uses. Nothing worse than light wounds, that's when you use poultices.
-Strength. Grants extra strength for a few minutes. You can carry more without being encumbered and do a tiny bit more damage. Use it too much and you get seriously poisoned or something.
-Glowing. Use some bioluminescent herbs and fungi to make a weak glowing flameless torch or something.
-Energy. Some can cause an immediate energy gain, some can cause energy to regen faster, some can be used to increase your energy pool. Like the strength one these should be poisonous if used too often or too many at once.
-Heightened senses. Some herbal mixture that causes really heightened senses and makes your perception go way up. It also makes bright light hurt your eyes though, so probably only useful out of direct sunlight or at night.
-Infravision. This one is a little more out there but whatever. Lets your eyes see heat for a time. Useful for seeing warm blooded creatures in darkness.
-Reflexes. Something that increases your reflexes so you dodge and parry better and generally avoid things easier, maybe even give people temporary arrow slapping. Poisonous if you use too much or too often.
-Fertilizer. Make your field crops grow faster, or make local herbs grow back faster and/or in greater numbers.
-Super food. Some kind of mixture that gives you a LOT of food value if you mix it up right. Maybe it tastes really gross though and stuns you. And also like all the other beneficial things, too much or too often is bad for you and makes you poisoned or sick.
-Hallucination. Recreational use for those who are into that, also can be used against someone. Slip it in their drink and watch them freak out.
-Berserk. Some kind of herb or fungus that when ingested induces a berserk rage.
-Sleep aid. This causes you to fall into a deep slumber. You're helpless but your energy restores extra fast. After a certain duration you can use a command to wake back up so you're not stuck for hours and hours. Also can be used against others. Even if it doesn't have an energy regen bonus or the person can wake up immediately if they want to, it can be a nice RP tool.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Lacie »

It would be cool to have some mixtures that just made you feel happy or relaxed or strong or confident, without necessarily giving you mechanical benefits. Maybe some that numb pain as well.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Barius »

Herbal teas!
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by jilliana »

Barius wrote:Herbal teas!
Absolutely. Stick some of the herbs into a pot with water and wala!
Lacie wrote:It would be cool to have some mixtures that just made you feel happy or relaxed or strong or confident, without necessarily giving you mechanical benefits. Maybe some that numb pain as well.
I like this as well. Not everything has to have a specific mechanical benefit, but a combination of herbs that could be used to help roleplay certain feelings or whatever.

Maybe a few of the races could have lore explaining the existence and beliefs behind a combination of herbs, This could especially be the case for races like Faewyr or Fasa.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Jaster »

And since I know somebody is going to suggest it eventually... smoking them.

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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Lysse »

It'd be neat if some of the herbs Skjotur mentioned (the ingested ones that granted boons, but could be dangerous) were also addictive. So every time you use that "increased dodge" herb or the "strength" herb (for instance), there's a chance to develop a dependency on it. Rely on them too much, and eventually you start to suffer debuffs for not regularly ingesting them.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Kunren »

Love all these ideas. Most will probably have to wait got alchemy though... I particularly like the poisons and bereserk drug ideas. Think it would be funny to see a dwaeden take one, heh. Oh, so you like berserking? Let's give you this drug to take when you go berserk so that you can berserk harder.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Lavi »

I am all about the Teas. Especially medicinal teas and brews, I think it'd fit really well in clok, plus maybe someone's character can't cook well, but is a master herbalist and uses teas to get rid of peoples. . . ya know, bad reactions to bad meat, or infested meat, or of course the cures to spider poisons and snake poisons and things. though those mechanics might have to have a longer effect other than the typical stuff maybe.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Tangela »

wow, I love all these ideas. I think I'd most like to see the medicinal teas and poisons, though the potions for healing and regenerating energy etc. would also be fantastic!
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Barius »

I'd like to see a mix of mechanic and non-mechanic uses, I think. Even just give us a way to brew (or smoke, for more adventurous characters) and let them make up the rest would probably work out fine as far as non-mechanic uses go. More herb lore is also extremely welcome.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Sneaky »

Oh man, if I could get a pipe to smoke with, I'd be pretty stoked, pun pun.
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Re: Ideas for herb usage!

Post by Avedri »

I'm all for teas!
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