Suggestion: Herbs Herbs Herbs!!!

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Suggestion: Herbs Herbs Herbs!!!

Post by jilliana »

I really like that the market was adjusted so hundreds of herbs can't be sold continuously. However, this poses a slight problem.

A few markets in the game have had the same herb for days if not weeks. Each market is stuck at approximately 350 of that one herb. Here are a few things I propose so some of us are able to at least sell that bunch of lifevine or bitterleaf at some point in the near future.

* Eliminate not-so-fresh herbs: It makes sense that after a while some of the herbs would be considered undesireable by merchants. Instead of having that 350 of one particular herb for days if not longer, the market would find it more feasable to throw them out and start from scratch. The only problem with this plan is that the market would lose riln for having bought so many herbs. I haven't been able to think of a good solution to this.

* Each market having a different limit of herbs than the next: This would work similarly to metals sold in various markets. A common CLOK example would be copper. It doesn't make sense to sell copper in Shadgard because they have so much of it to begin with. It's not worth much. In the case of herbs, it would be good to determine which herbs are more needed in one area compared to another. An example that comes to mind are emberberries. Shadgard doesn't have much of an affiliation with the Gaean types so they would probably keep their emberberry supply at a maximum of 350 in the market and sell it for cheap. Emberberries could be sold for more at a larger market maximum in Mistral Lake's market.

* Expanding the herb market: I was thinking that other than markets and PCs, a guildless character could sell to guilds that require herbs for various reasons; Udemi, Utasa and at least one other come to mind. Some guild NPCs are accessible by just anyone. The guild could buy herbs from just anyone for really cheap, maybe just one riln per herb. (Though honestly this idea doesn't feel right to me.)

I had a few other ideas but they escape me at the moment. I figure I could throw out those thoughts and see where they take the thread.
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Re: Suggestion: Herbs Herbs Herbs!!!

Post by sona »

One idea could be to have the market do checks every so often to see if they have x comfrey, x arnica, x fraer, x yora, if quantities are over a certain value(50, 100?) have them reduce the market by the amount needed to make a poultice, and put a poultice in the city's infirmary each time this happens. That could create a more dynamic market place.
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