Brewing Suggestions/Ideas

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Brewing Suggestions/Ideas

Post by Enepttastic »

So, after seeing this in the "Big List" thread:
Rias wrote:
Breezy wrote:
This has been planned for a long time (someone even got a brewing still at an auction) but hasn't ever been priority. If people are aware of specifics of brewing and how it might be implemented in a CLOK setting (lore and mechanics wise) we love suggestions to help us springboard implementation!
So I've been giving it some thought as to how and what types of drinks could be done in Clok.
Going through history, and stopping around the Middle Ages, obvious options would be(In no specific order):
  • Ales
  • Beer
  • Wine
  • Mead
  • Brandy
  • Whiskey
  • Gin
Now before I get into specifics, a head's up: I'm not a home-brewer, this is pretty much being conceived via information I'm finding online. If you know more than I, that's peachy and am welcome to suggestions/corrections but why they hell haven't you posted yours in the first place? :p

Also a quick potential suggestion: Cooking and Alchemy(When implemented) may want to be considered as complimentary skills for some aspects of brewing. I'll try to note those points in the processes with a (C) for cooking and (A) for alchemy.

Ales: For the purpose of Clok brewing, "Ale" will be the types made in the middle ages, not modern-day ales that were made with hops. I'll be using this page as a reference.
  • Cereal Grains: Barley was generally the one used although it's possible that wheat, rye, oats and rice could potentially be used due to being suitable for malting.
  • Gruit: Essentially, the flavoring for the ale. Spices, herbs, honey, even fruits, according to some resources I came across, can be used.
  • Water
  • Cauldron: Copper seems to have been the primary metal during the time frame. Nowadays stainless steel's an option. Pot could be an option for smaller batches.
  • Barrel
  • Cloth: To strain with
  • Stirring Utensil
  • Fire
While typing the list up, I'd perhaps suggest that there be an NPC merchant that offers malted barley so we'll not bother with the creation of the malt. That said, on to the steps I could see a player dealing with to make an ale.
  1. Add malt and water to caldron.
  2. Boil for approx 2 hours give or take. (C)
  3. Transfer to barrel allow to cool.
  4. Once at room temp, add Gruit
  5. Leave alone 24-72 hours
  6. Strain with cloth. Consume within a day, two at most.
This allows for some actual work to make the brew but does remove some repetition in the process. Something that may be an issue is that these style of ales did not last very long, it's said that it may have only "drinkable" for about a day and afterwards...well the drinker may regret it. Not sure if Clok has spoilage mechanics or not, I've not kept cooked food on me for very long to be honest.

I'm gonna stop here for the moment and hopefully get to the other drinks soonish but felt that going ahead and posting isn't a bad idea to help get ideas out there and bounced around the community. Also, kinda want to jump into Clok and actually play some more...

Edit #1: Added Gin based on preliminary reading suggesting that it may fit as well.
Last edited by Enepttastic on Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
In-game: Atali: Punching things while wearing (mostly)full plate because she likes hearing the "ping."
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Re: Brewing Suggestions/Ideas

Post by Kunren »

I like this a lot, but I think in a game setting the "only good for a day or so" thing might just have to be ignored a bit. Especially as as far as I know even food won't really spoil in clok. I could be very wrong about that though.
Life is like a box of chocolates. The caramel filled ones are the best.
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Re: Brewing Suggestions/Ideas

Post by Enepttastic »

Thanks. As for spoilage, that is something I considered to be the case(but don't really have a non-spoilage solution offhand). I would though suggest perhaps looking into such a system for use with brewing though. Ageing/spoilage are two things that the skill really would benefit from. Aging to help differentiate brews, spoilage to kinda give incentive to actually drink em since we don't really have to worry about thirst...
In-game: Atali: Punching things while wearing (mostly)full plate because she likes hearing the "ping."
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