Heal Horse

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Heal Horse

Post by Elystole »

I know we can stable our horses to have them healed, but it doesn't tell us how long that will take and while your horse is healing you can't do anything with him. Might it be possible to bring our horses to the stable and "heal warhorse" or something similar to have them bandaged up as if it were an equestrian infirmary? I'd be more than happy to pay infirmary rates for the service (instead of the much cheaper current stable rates) just so that I'm not burning a poulticed bandage every time some jerk decides to take a wild swing at my warhorse instead of at me (the guy who is actively trying to kill said jerk).

Alternatively, warhorses could just stop drawing aggro while there's someone riding them (so you still wouldn't want to just leave your horse abandoned somewhere) since there's no real way to improve their skills, improve their damage resistance (you can't buy them barding), or even guard them while mounted. At least until something is done about their survivability. Riding my warhorse into battle against challenging opponents turns training into one of those annoying escort missions which inevitably involves someone attacking the NPC with the virtually nonexistent defense.
You overhear the following rumor:
"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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