Teach Cancel

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Teach Cancel

Post by Elystole »

Please use the following syntax to teach someone else: teach [person] [skill]
To accept someone else's offer to teach you, type teach accept
To decline someone's offer to teach you, type teach decline.
Can we get something like 'teach cancel' to cancel teaching offers in case we try to teach someone the wrong skill or something?
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"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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Re: Teach Cancel

Post by jilliana »

I completely forgot about that.
Thanks to Elystole Jilliana will have to work on her first aid to get rid of that 2.5.
CHAT - Sir Alexander Candelori: Truly a man is an abomination that does not dip his french fries into his chocolate frosty.
Bryce flatly says, "Just fair warning: If one of those things webs me, I'm going to scream like a girl."
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