No double channel messages - idea

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No double channel messages - idea

Post by Kent »

Sometimes we say something on a channel and we accidently double enter, meaning the message is repeated on ESP, CHAT, or Questions needlessly.

I was hoping to see it changed so that the codebase would not permit the same message two times consecutively.

Should the player want to send the same message twice in a row, they'd have to put in a space the second time or some other minute change.
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Re: No double channel messages - idea

Post by jilliana »

I suggest a time frame of say, 10 seconds. This way, people like Kent don't double-message and spam a channel unnecessarily.
Quite frankly I don't want to be thinking about typing something differently just because I have to say "Yes" "No" "I'm in so and so place" twice in a row.
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Re: No double channel messages - idea

Post by Elystole »

Or maybe you can just not hit enter twice. Or maybe we can just remember that sometimes mistakes happen and not worry about it.

Not everything needs a code solution. Especially when the 'solution' would take so much more effort than correcting the behavior.
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