Tidying up Emotes - when argument doesn't match

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Tidying up Emotes - when argument doesn't match

Post by Kent »

I was wondering if we could have the emotes not work at all when the argument is not targetting anything present. This would help prevent a lot of unwanted emotes from occurring in the eyes of players present and clean up the RP experience for everyone.

I'll give some example to better explain myself.

You want to tap your sledgehammer to show you are well armed. You type in tap sledgehammer

But because you left your sledgehammer back in your wagon, (or if you misspell it as tap sledhammer) and there is no sledgehammer present, what you and everyone else sees is, "You tap your foot.".

Which is going to convey an entirely different emotion to all present.

So my request is that the result be instead, Tap what? to you and nothing to other players present.

Another one is when you wave at someone who just walked away as you were typing wave Gad, for example. What currently happens is that you and the remaining person(s) sees, You wave or Kent waves. The problem with that is that the remaining person(s) may be person(s) IC you would not want to be waving to and another awkward RP moment is unnecessarily created.

Heh, I remember another old MUD, when you tried to 'Wave Fred' and there was no Fred present, the response to you was, 'Never around when required.' and no emote was generated. I'm not saying we need that exact reponse, but something along the idea.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Tidying up Emotes - when argument doesn't match

Post by Methiur »

Makes sense
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Re: Tidying up Emotes - when argument doesn't match

Post by Derik »

I can get behind this. It makes sense that if you attempt to target the emote then it should do something else entirely when the target isn't present. Imagine if the combat system worked that way :)
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Re: Tidying up Emotes - when argument doesn't match

Post by TwistedAkai »

This should probably be more based on whether or not you can SEE a valid target. If you try 'poke acarin' and he's there but you can't see him, it probably shouldn't succeed. On the other hand, if he's hidden, but you -can- see him, it should work fine.
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