Wait, what's in thos one again?

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Wait, what's in thos one again?

Post by merin »


Boy I can't keep these barrels straight! I have a barrel for water, a barrel for tools, a barrel for food, a barrel for cooked food! My problem is, I can't remember which is which, and by the time I remember which barrel I need and move it the order has changed on me!

I propose labels! With a quil, a slip of parchment, you can write a nifty label that you can stick to the barrel with some glue. Once done, you can read barrel to tell what it contains (or what your label says), or you can get <name of label>, and it will grab the right one for you.

I use barrels as only an example -- trunks, wardrobes, basicly containers a person might have more of than one or two. It would make organizing and retrieving a lot easier! Thoughts? :)
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Re: Wait, what's in thos one again?

Post by Kiyaani »

You can just get barrels with different custom options or look in them for this. I'm not saying labels wouldn't be handy, but I don't know that it would be high on the priority list either.
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Re: Wait, what's in thos one again?

Post by Rias »

The labels idea is neat, but it'd make things a lot more complicated code-wise. I'd suggest customizing your containers as Kiyaani suggested.

i.e.: The pine barrel is for fish, the oak barrel is for water, the aspen barrel is for woodworking supplies, the fir barrel is for food stockpiles, the pine trunk is for tools, the oak trunk is for weapons ... and so on. Then you can always specify which container you want to target by its material, rather than by its room order (which will change every time one of them is picked up and put back down again).
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