GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

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GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Kent »

So I am aware there is a housing shortage, and so I try to be the good guy in the equation and do my part to alleviate this. I don't buy an available house but I share a place with another player. "House-pooling", so to speak.

Today I find out that because I did this, I am not eligible to bid on the kitten or furniture at the Grummer Auction. I'm not sure why I won't be allowed to do so, because there is a permanent room in a house to properly house the purchase.

In any case, I feel I was penalized for trying to help in the housing situation and share instead of buy. I did make a very plausible request/suggestion that a large number of inexpensive duplicate houses be made available to ease the housing shortage but it seems that was decided against as well. Seems like a lose-lose situation for a guy who wanted to help.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Zoiya »

Please, let's not be silly.

Also - like I said in the other thread, numerous times, there are at least twelve houses in game that are carbon copies.

I also made them before your suggestion.

[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Bryce »

I have several house keys for places I don't own (legitimately given to me by the owners, I might add), but I don't do that out of generosity to others by keeping more homes available - I do it because I'm a cheap mooch!
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Kent »

Bryce wrote:I have several house keys for places I don't own (legitimately given to me by the owners, I might add), but I don't do that out of generosity to others by keeping more homes available - I do it because I'm a cheap mooch!
So why shouldn't you be able to buy one item from the auction?
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Bryce »

Cause I need to own the home in order to put the homeowner required items in it. I wouldn't trust the owners anyway, if I bought something nice to get put in there, they'd probably go and change the locks on me.
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Kent »

Zoiya wrote:
Also - like I said in the other thread, numerous times, there are at least twelve houses in game that are carbon copies.

I also made them before your suggestion.

Yes, that was mentioned in another thread, but that's not the point of this thread. The point here is, those identical houses you mention are (to the best of my knowledge) unavailable for current purchase, thus we have a housing shortage. There co-exists a recognized all-around need for more housing *and* a disinclination to build another row of two dozen more such houses (or two dozen more of any houses) as perhaps a company might do in order to house migrant workers, or perhaps private builders might do to to profit generously from a growing population. Maybe that makes sense, maybe not. Player tries to help out by not purchasing one of the very few remaining houses for sale, and learns that for this he cannot buy furniture or animals at the auction. Maybe the solution is to build no more houses, but permit a housepooler to buy these items. Or vice versa.

Last edited by Kent on Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by baerden »

Moar inns.
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Kiyaani »

Inns wouldn't solve the auction problem, but I agree. MORE INN ROOMS! =)
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Zoiya »

There are ten carbon copy homes that are available for purchase.


And they're not even that expensive.
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Zoiya »

Also, I realize the the point of this thread is that you want to have a home only item in a room that you're letting, but that's not allowed. It's likely not going to change, but you can go out and buy a home and then bid on it.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Rithiel »

Look, I posted that on Sunday. Sunday. You had plenty of time to complain then.

It's not like Shadgard and Mistral Lake are just empty towns. They're quite populated, and both have space restrictions. It's not like the people of those towns can go "Hey, just plop another ten houses on the edge of town." There are a number of reasons that you have to own a house to get some of the items in the auction, and these rules were in place last year as well. Nothing changed at all as regards the auction.

But considering that we just had a house auction that nobody showed up to, and there are a number of houses available in multiple places, I'm not going to buy your housing shortage argument. If people wanted to buy houses, they could.

The fact that I won't allow you to get some items if you don't have a house isn't at a cross-purpose with anything. Houses are meant to pull riln out of the economy. Auctions are meant to do the same thing. Hey - they're working toward the same purpose.

As Zoiya said - if there's something that you want that badly, there are houses available - go buy one and then bid on the item.
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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Kent »

Rithiel wrote: But considering that we just had a house auction that nobody showed up to, and there are a number of houses available in multiple places, I'm not going to buy your housing shortage argument. If people wanted to buy houses, they could.

As Zoiya said - if there's something that you want that badly, there are houses available - go buy one and then bid on the item.
I was lead to believe that we were down to the last couple of houses and that there was talk of limiting housing purchases to not merely one house per character, but even to one house per player amongst all his or her alts. I inquired about the treehouse auction with a GM online and I thought the GM discouraged me from going to the auction because it was more for the newer players and that I should defer it to them, otherwise they'd have no chance at a house. Clearly I was mistaken and confused about what I thought I heard about a housing shortage. I am glad we had a chance to get the facts on the housing availability out in the open, and of course, I feel dumb now.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: GM's goals at cross-purposes - housing, own or share

Post by Zoiya »

Being completely blunt here, but you have this odd tendency to read into things the way that you want to read into them.

It is not doing you any favors.
[CHAT - Lil' Skittles GM Zoiya escalates quickly]: *hugs Kent*
[CHAT - Kent "Gunney" Gunderman]: *gingerly hugs back*
[CHAT - Grandmaster Ardor will be NOM'd by a drakolin]: You can give Zoiya a bearhug Kent, she can handle it.
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