Carts/Wagons and Lights

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Carts/Wagons and Lights

Post by Elystole »

Recently there was a change made so that you need both hands free to pull handcarts. That makes perfect sense to me, but there seems to have been an unexpected consequence: You can no longer take handcarts or workcarts into mines because you can't pull them while carrying a light source and you can't do much of anything without a light.

I propose the following solution: Make it so that you can put a lantern on carts and wagons.

It's easy enough to justify ICly: Just say there is a hook attached to the side of a cart or wagon, maybe elevated on some sort of pole for better visibility, that you can hang a lantern from. Then people still need both hands to pull a cart, but there is a way for them to see what is going on, and the addition of a place to put a light makes them more useful which sort of alleviates the loss of utility in requiring both hands.
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Re: Carts/Wagons and Lights

Post by Kent »

Elystole wrote:Recently there was a change made so that you need both hands free to pull handcarts. That makes perfect sense to me, but there seems to have been an unexpected consequence: You can no longer take handcarts or workcarts into mines because you can't pull them while carrying a light source and you can't do much of anything without a light.

I propose the following solution: Make it so that you can put a lantern on carts and wagons.

It's easy enough to justify ICly: Just say there is a hook attached to the side of a cart or wagon, maybe elevated on some sort of pole for better visibility, that you can hang a lantern from. Then people still need both hands to pull a cart, but there is a way for them to see what is going on, and the addition of a place to put a light makes them more useful which sort of alleviates the loss of utility in requiring both hands.
A very sensible and logical solution, Ely. I like it.

Also, at a lower tech level, miners had helmets with a tin case with a candle in steam punk needed. Could we have these as well?
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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Re: Carts/Wagons and Lights

Post by Bryce »

Whenever Kent gets an idea, he could put one of those helmets on his head and say "Ding!"
ask jes for date
The horse thief Jessie doesn't seem too interested in talking about that.
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