Coalition sponsored wagon camps

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Coalition sponsored wagon camps

Post by Lun »

One of the main complaints that I hear a lot is how someone's handcart or wagon is stolen by the next day, once they wake up. I think it would be a great opportunity for the Western Coalition to start opening wagon camps for people to store their wagons in individual stalls at a fee.

The camp would also be a great place for horse stalls, and for mercenaries to train. I'd expect them to open up in a place where the temperatures don't go freezing, though.

Mainly this problem is to address when people have a lot of things in their wagon, don't have a home, and don't want to buy a new wagon every day. (Not to mention the stuff inside that they'd lose!) A lot of Fasa avoid the cities and don't purchase homes for roleplaying reasons, and instead choose to hunker out in the wilderness. They usually cart everything around, but because they keep having to leave their cart around it can be a bit dangerous. By opening wagon camps, the Coalition can turn a pretty profit at simply holding onto peoples belongings for them for a night or two (Or a month, etc etc.) since they're not actually helping maintain the wagons or carts (not that they deteriorate over time.)
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Re: Coalition sponsored wagon camps

Post by Lysse »

Having a daily fee for something like this seems like it would be fair. Maybe dependent on the total value of the stored goods in the wagon.
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Re: Coalition sponsored wagon camps

Post by Jaster »

Not that this has to be said again, but wagons and carts are rented and don't belong to the character renting them. That's the whole reason there is no way for the common player to store them anywhere.

And it seems to me that anybody who is nomadic or otherwise likes to stay in the wilderness probably wouldn't care much about posessions and for that reason wouldn't be lugging a wagon or cart around full of a bunch of stuff they're not really using. If it's an issue of "I lost all my sticks because someone stole my handcart", then I'd think such an outdoorsy person would just find more sticks, or only forage them up when they need them. That's just an example, I know most people don't care about sticks, but most things you would keep in a cart are replaceable in the same way, even if to a different degree of difficulty.
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