Dead People's Horses

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Dead People's Horses

Post by Elystole »

Someone in my group just died. I grabbed her corpse to drag it away... then looked on helplessly while the thing we were fighting continued attacking her warhorse.

I understand that horses won't follow people who aren't their owners, but maybe they'll follow their owners' bodies when they are dragged away? Or at least defend themselves or even run away?

Maybe a dead person's horse bolts and runs back to the stable it came from?
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"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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Re: Dead People's Horses

Post by Rias »

Yeah, warhorses are stubborn like that, aren't they? Agreed that this needs to be fixed one way or another.
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Re: Dead People's Horses

Post by faylen »

I've never understood why warhorses without riders just sit there and dodge attacks anyway if attacked. They're trained to bite and such, you'd think they'd at least defend themselves if nothing else. Then again I know very little about horses.
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Re: Dead People's Horses

Post by Isiaa »

If you hit a horse, the horse will kick, bite, headbutt or run.
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