Low tech weaponry

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Low tech weaponry

Post by qinweiqi »

So, I've been thinking about a couple more weapon options that I think would be cool if they were around.
(1) A sling, ammo is already handy as lead shot from any firearms store. Quite a low tech weapon, most people probably wouldn't use it, but I could imagine a few druid types wanting it. Foraging for rocks in appropriate areas would be cool to.
(2) Darts as a nice small (albeit probably low damage), hurlable weapon.
(3) I was thinking it would be cool to make lead shot hurlable as well. It weighs enough to do a small amount of damage hurled (not quite on the level of a throwing knife, but more than a fish).

That being said, would anyone actually use these? (I'm genuinely curious)
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Re: Low tech weaponry

Post by Drayla »

1) Slings would be nice. Maybe even give them a small chance to knock a person unconscious for a short time if the slung object hits their head.
2) I would see darts as being something to be used with some type of blowgun, but throwable darts could work too. Either way, I think alchemy/poisons need to be implemented beforehand, as this is really the only way they would be effective weapons.
3) Why do people keep saying lead shots should be used in slings or thrown around? Seriously, these things are supposed to be tiny balls of lead that are stuffes into the barrel of a flintlock and fired. The only way the lead shots wpuld work in slings or being thrown would be if they were the size of small cannonballs, and our "flintlocks" were actually miniature hand-cannons. Seeing as this is highly doubtful, I don't think a lead shot would do any damage outside of a loaded flintlock unless you managed to throw it in the enemy's mouth and make them choke to death on it.
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