Making healing and bandaging a bit easier

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Making healing and bandaging a bit easier

Post by faylen »

So I've been thinking about the whole process of trying to heal/bandage ourselves, and even more, others. I would like to propose a few ways that this process could be made easier, and by easier I don't mean success/failure but more syntactically.

1. This may be a screen reader thing, but maybe not. Currently if I see someone severely wounded, I know I need to bandage them quickly. What I don't necessarily know is just where they're so badly hurt. To find out, I need to look at them and filter through description text above and clothing text below all of their injuries. If they're injured in several places, it also means filtering through all of the injury messages to find the worst one. I can see a few different ways this could be resolved.

First, I'd like to see a way to determine only someone's wounds, as in location and severity. Perhaps expand the health command, perhaps something totally different. I'd also find it totally awesome if wound lists, even for ourselves, were listed by severity first then by location. In other words, if I had scratches on my head, abdomen and right foot but my neck was moderately wounded, I'd see the neck listed first, then head, then abdomen etc. Perhaps make this an option? And third, I think it would be really cool if failing to supply an argument of a location when bandaging either yourself or someone else, it would default to the most severe wound that the particular bandage would normally be put on. So in the example above, assuming the bandage used was an untreated one, it would default to the head, but if that neck injury was severe rather than moderate it would default to that instead. This would allow me, if I came across someone severely wounded and unconscious, to just type bandage <name> a couple of times with either untreated or 102 poulticed bandages to at least stop the bleeding.

2. Regarding bandaging, the hardest thing for me is keeping my untreated bandages, my 104 poulticed ones, and my 102 poulticed ones separate. I certainly don't want to accidentally use a poulticed bandage when I don't need it, so I've kept the poulticed ones in a pouch, color coded, and only pull them out when I need them. Unfortunately, this results in needing to type several commands to bandage up a badly bleeding wound after running from a fight, hoping I don't pass out in the process. I think it would be really nice to have an optional with argument to the bandage command, for example...

bandage me with untreated bandage
bandage Karasi left leg with red bandage
bandage tester with white bandage (assuming previous request was implemented)

This would allow for some aliasing at least for bandaging ourselves and with more complex things, for others as well. Of course it would be optional, without the with argument it would work as it does now.

3. And finally, there are a few characters who do not wish to have thaumatergy cast on them. HOwever as the casting works, in groups the monks are most efficient if they just trance and let the game choose targets for them. Btw, I love this feature and would hate to see it go away. But perhaps either the monk could have a way to exclude certain people from their autocasts, or a person themselves could set an option which would reject any inner light related positive effects? I'm thinking the first would make more rp sense, it's the monk controlling their light to respect the wishes of the person, but just throwing that out there.

Sorry for the long post! Just things I've been thinking on.
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Re: Making healing and bandaging a bit easier

Post by Kent »

I am all for Faylen's ideas here.

Perhaps at the least, 'Bandage X Y' could apply an untreated bandage, and a separate command, like 'Poultice X Y' would apply the top poulticed bandage?
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Re: Making healing and bandaging a bit easier

Post by jilliana »

I completely agree with Faylen's idea.
I also want to add something for animals, particulary for one's that we own. It would be wonderful if we could get a message telling us when a bandage gets loose and falls, or have a short command to direct us to their injuries, like that of the one Faylen suggested.
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