Request to help RP: Buying someone a drink or meal

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Request to help RP: Buying someone a drink or meal

Post by Kent »

I would like to request a mechanic, please, to purchase someone else a round at the bar or a meal. It seems a good deal of social ambiance is lost currently, where you have to hand your friend the cash and they have to order the food or drink and pay for it.

So it would be better if I could type in something like

buyfor now bryce 8

Then bryce sees a message to the effect,

Kent is offering to buy you a serving of Farn's Beer. Type Accept or Decline.

Bryce types Accept, so then see

You confirm your order with a hostess and pay the 1 riln it costs.
A hostess pours you a serving of Farn's Beer which Bryce quickly drinks. He then hands the empty cup back.

And similar results with buying a meal.

I'm thinking the buyer may not necessarily want to fill the tankard (or barrel) the recipient has in his right hand, so maybe the buyfor command should always be in the single serving size.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

A dirty woodsman frowns at you and suggests you return after getting cleaned up.

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