Extinguishing campfires

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Extinguishing campfires

Post by Skjotur »

A way to extinguish campfires would be great for us fire safety people. Never leave a fire unattended am I right? So if I want to get up and go do something before my campfire burns out, if I could extinguish it by dumping dirt or sand on it, that would be great. It would need to be in an area with dirt or sand of course.
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Re: Extinguishing campfires

Post by Makkah »

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Re: Extinguishing campfires

Post by Jaster »

I believe the politically correct term is now "wild fires". Get with the times!
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Re: Extinguishing campfires

Post by TwistedAkai »

I would appreciate this too, but with the addendum of being able to hide the evidence of a campfire.
You also notice the corpse of a canim scavenger (x169).
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Re: Extinguishing campfires

Post by Barius »

I'd like this feature as well.
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Re: Extinguishing campfires

Post by Rias »

extinguish campfire
You scoop up some dirt from the surrounding area and dump it onto a campfire until the flames are smothered out.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
Works in rooms with dirt, sand, or mud - or when channeling hydromancy, geomancy, or aeromancy.

If you extinguish a campfire this way, you won't get ash or charcoal.
The lore compels me!
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