Four full meals later....

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Four full meals later....

Post by Barius »

I got as full as I would eating two travel rations.

I know I read something about some sort of morale system regarding eating real food versus flavorless travel rations. Is this actually being planned? If so, how far down the road is it? I want more reasons to not buy travel rations. Very, very few foods are more filling than those.
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Kiyaani »

This seems like more of an issue with some food items being coded wrong. You may need to bug it if you order something that should be a hearty meal and are barely satisfied from it.
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Barius »

I didn't think it would be smart to immediately assume that nearly every single food sold in an inn or tavern is bugged. Because that's honestly what it boils down to. If people think it is a bug, I'll report it it in the appropriate place, though.
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Kent »

I think what Kiyaani was saying, if we order a sit-down meal, they should really bring us from 'hungry' to 'fully satisfied', whatever the hidden numbers involved in that may be.
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Kiyaani »

That's exactly what I meant, Kent =) There are some food items you can order that are not very filling and for good reason, a danish or strawberries and cream or a small wedge of cheese won't necessarily satisfy your hunger, but if you actually ate four 'full meals' worth of food then you should have been more than fully satisfied. You probably would have been comatose ;)

Now if you were coming back from a death and starving, that's a bit different. It usually takes 2-3 rations to get rid of that hunger completely. I still think ordering a full custom meal as they are described in-game (sides of veggies, salads, main course of meat etc.) should be coded to satiate that amount of hunger though. I can't imagine people stuffing plates of ravioli in their packs for later (that would be really messy) so those food items giving the proper amount of hunger control would be a good way to incentivize using the inns and diners available.
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Rias »

I get the idea, though realize:
A) In real life, you can eat a full meal even when you're not particularly hungry (at least I know I can), so I don't think a single "full meal" should put you from "hungry" to "fully-satisfied".
B) A change to increased nutrition from larger meals won't go into effect until we make it impossible to shove them into a backpack. Sit-down meals should be sit-down meals, and aren't designed for carrying around with you or being stuffed into a container with all your other gear (stacks of maple wheatcakes, I'm looking at YOU!).
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Jaster »

Called out...
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Re: Four full meals later....

Post by Barius »

Absolutely fair. I really don't want stew and wheatcakes in my backpack, either.
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