Wear out factor of tools seems too accelerated

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Wear out factor of tools seems too accelerated

Post by Kent »

I noticed my steel pickaxe, when mining, goes from a condition of good repair to heavily damaged in one day...I surmise an equivalent of an 8 hour shift in the mines.

This seems rather unrealistic. I would think a typical steel pickaxe could be used at least a week before needing to be sent to the repair shops.

I haven't tried logging under the new tool wear-out system, but I would think it would take even longer than a week for a logging axe to reach ruination.

Perhaps one step before 'scuffed' would be 'dulled'....and a sharpener (a whetstone would be the term of the period) could be available in the workyard, and the average player could 'sharpen' his weapon with little skill needed and no degrade risk -- and once it reached scuffed, then it had to go to a skilled craftsman to be repaired? And one typical 8 hour shift of labour would usually be what would bring a pickaxe or logging axe from perfect repair to 'dulled' ? I'm just trying to think realism here. I suppose also swords, daggers, and the like could similarly have a 'dulled' status before scuffed, as well, and be sharpened in like fashion.
- Kent "Gunney" Gunderman

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