Making the "WEALTH" command show all your riln everywhere

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Making the "WEALTH" command show all your riln everywhere

Post by Lemuel »

Currently, if you enter either WEALTH or RILN, it returns the number of coins on your person only.

In a similar fashion as the FOOD command, which lists quantities of assorted types of food in your various packs, pouches, satchels, how about the WEALTH command listing all your deposits in your various bank accounts, such as

You have 1259 riln on deposit at the Shadgard Bank

You have 1044 riln on deposit at the Mistral Lake Bank

You have 320 riln on your person

And I'd say to keep the RILN command unchanged; viz. to return the number of coins you have on your person only.
- locksmith Lemuel 'I do all my own stunts.'

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Post by hadesfire »

that doesn't make sense, a rough estimate might but I don't know anybody who remembers the exact amount of mone in all their bank accounts.
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Post by Rithiel »

With those commands, you're going through your pockets. It's not like the game is reminding you of something, like it would be if we went through all your bank accounts for you.
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Post by Lemuel »

[quote=Rithiel]With those commands, you're going through your pockets. It's not like the game is reminding you of something, like it would be if we went through all your bank accounts for you.[/quote]

Yes but when you make your deposits at banks, they give you a receipt as to how much you have as balance.
So my suggestion, IC, involves looking at your receipts.
- locksmith Lemuel 'I do all my own stunts.'

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Post by Acarin »

I'm not carrying any receipts... but a bankbook would be an option where you can keep try with each transaction...
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Post by Skjotur »

[quote=bank receipt scenario]
>get receipt
>read receipt
The recepit reads, "Bank of Shadgard: 25,000 riln"
>think I thought I spent a lot last week, I shouldn't have that much.
>think Oh, that's an old receipt.
>look in pack
In the pack you see ... a receipt (x48) ...
>think I need to start throwing out all these old receipts.
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Post by Lemuel »

Oh Skjotur, you're just being difficult.

It would be subsumed that the character tossed the old reciept in the trash barrel every time he made a new transaction, and retains only the current reciept. This is not at all difficult to envision.
- locksmith Lemuel 'I do all my own stunts.'

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Post by KianTheArcher »

If it's so important for you to know the exact amount of riln in each account you have, buy a book, and start a balance book. That way you can keep track of your money. You could even track your spending in it, letting you know where your money IS going, and if you're being stolen from.
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Post by Acarin »

[quote=KianTheArcher]If it's so important for you to know the exact amount of riln in each account you have, buy a book, and start a balance book. That way you can keep track of your money. You could even track your spending in it, letting you know where your money IS going, and if you're being stolen from.[/quote]

Note to self: Steal more from Lemuel. He's not keeping track.
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Post by Rias »

Bank books are a cool idea.
The lore compels me!
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