Perception training

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Perception training

Post by Slaidh »

I think this has been brought up before but I couldn't find a thread. First off I will say training perception is not difficult so that isn't the topic of this post. However I would like to see if we can think up additional ways to do it. I've been sitting in front of infested racoons for an hour or so letting them attempt to ambush me in order to increase my perception. Since my combat skills are way above my perception, I'm at virtually no risk of harm from these racoons. The result is that I can sit idle for hours in front of racoons and watch them try to bite me, and miss. It's effective, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel like I'm cheating somehow. I would go to the harder areas where I have some risk (and could get training from fighting at the same time) but I have hardly any chance to see the ambushers there because I'm assuming their stealth is on par with their combat, where my perception is way below my combat. Therefore I'm A) going to get slaughtered by their ambushes and B) not get significant gains in perception because I'll so rarely see them ambushing me.

Anyway this isn't a call for a nerf but wondering if anyone had any ideas on additional ways to train perception, or if people know of ways I'm unaware of. I've thought about it for a while and I can't really think up any believable alternatives for training this skill, so I understand how hard it is. I'll keep thinking about it and post if I come up with anything, but I thought I would post this now in case anyone else has any ideas that they can put out there.
Elma exclaims, "Let a woman rest, burn you!"
Elma hurls a bolt of flame at a limping infested merchant. Fireball hits the eyeball, vaporizing it and much more.
Note: Don't bother Elma while she's resting.
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