Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

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Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by Zeldryn »

A post on the Shadgard town board, as well as light conversation on the ESP network makes note of the following:

This coming Lightsday, on the 7th of Julium at noon, all are welcome at the coastal cliffs for a party on the beach!

There'll be surf! There'll be sun! There'll be social activity!

Most importantly, there will be a sandcastle contest! Anyone who wants to participate, creative, talented, or no, is absolutely encouraged to take part! Prizes will be offered for the best and worst entry!

It starts at noon, but ends when it ends. There will be crab. There will be drinking. There will be swimming, and stupid jokes. Let's enjoy the weather while it's here, and take a moment to wash the grime off of the quarantine lifestyle. Peaceful times can't last forever. So we should cherish them while they're here. Because one day? It won't be.

OOC: Okay but yeah this should be a good time. We'll emote building sandcastles. Don't worry about if you're good at it or not. It's all about the experience. 12:00 Noon game time on this coming Sunday the 7th. Lightsday in game. There's a post on the Shadgard board, but I wanted the Corvites and anyone who isn't on who might be interested to know that you're welcome too!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Re: Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by Xanthe »

What does a donkey wear on a broken hoof?
A sandcastle.
You say, "There's got to be a joke in this."
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Re: Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by Kunren »

I should come to make EVIL sandcastles!
Life is like a box of chocolates. The caramel filled ones are the best.
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Re: Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by Zeldryn »

Hey again everybody!

Just wanted to say that this is still on tomorrow for 12 noon gametime. No official start or end time for the contest-- but i'll make sure I log the emotes of everybody's process and also one of the finished results so I can post them all here afterward!

If you aren't there to accept your prize if you're awarded one, i'll make sure I have that handled, too. Just make sure you get your mailbox to someone IC in the event you're not in the directory so it can be sent your way afterward.

Feel free to show up or leave whenever, too. No obligation to stay. Bring whatever you'd like to bring with you, whether it's a story, a game, or nothing at all.

High hopes for a great time, and hope to see you all there!
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Re: Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by Zeldryn »

This ended up having such a great turn out.

Great times were had. There were songs, there was a dance, there were jovial conversations, there were tense conversations, and there were even a few sandcastles!

It went on all through the day off and on, and for the people that stuck it out-- You're the best. All of you are the best, really. Whether you were there for a moment, there for the whole thing, spoke, didn't speak, anything. I'm just happy that you showed up.

Special thanks to a few unexpected guests that just absolutely made Zeldryn's entire day. You know who you are.

Logs will come eventually, but they're going to be long, and a lot to clean. so don't expect them in a rush. But they'll come when I get to them among my million other hobby projects.

Thank you guys again. It gives me tremendous motivation to keep doing stuff like this to get people together and fuel RP. High hopes to continue doing fun stuff like this, and keep giving out fun prizes!

Edited to add: Thank you staff for announcing the party when it got started at 12 game time! That made me super super flattered to see and it really helped prompt people to show up, I think. Greatly appreciated that.
You declaratively shout, "frack Corvus. Support Shadgardians."
Zeldryn nods simply, that said, folding his arms back beneath a striated fiery-orange wool poncho.
Several townsfolk cheer in response to Zeldryn's shout!
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Re: Beach Party on the 7th at noon gametime

Post by artus »

I'll be scared of the viscuss brown liquid for the rest of my life, don't worry.
Do I wanna know or remember where it's sold ic?:)
Love yall. It feels very homy when stuff like this comes up, just people having fun time and being silly and stuff like that.
[CHAT - Event Staff Uyoku likes NOM NOM NOM food]: You are holding a pepper-grilled Uyoku in your right hand.
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