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Artisday - Featuring a word smith

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:10 pm
by Tenoji
A young boy wear an ill-fitting and rather unfortunate looking rabbit-fur hat (but otherwise nice and well-fitting clothes) has been seen about the various town squares proclaiming a message from an overly long scroll that more or less matches the following:

"Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Self-Proclaimed Word-smith, Bear Tosser, Scale Weaver, Drink Slurper, Soup Drin- do I really...can't I jus-?....fine fine...Soup Drinker! Dog Petter! And ....but I already....why is it on here TWICE? Fine fine. Riln is riln. Word Smith! Grendak H-...that's not his real name. Really? It can't be. It CAN'T. I'll read it but I'm not believing a word of it I tell you. Grendak Honey "Momma-Bear", will be telling a series of tales once told already but instead again on t-...*sigh*, the coming morrow which is not necessarily TOMORROW, but a morrow. Artisday, the 10th of Aprillium.....aprillium? It's APRILIUS, does this tosser even know his days? Gods above..... The 10th of AprilIUS, at one bell post zenith. Probably. He actually wrote PROBABLY. And you lot want to hear him tell a story?! Count me right out. *grumble grumble* That's it! Tenth of Aprilius at.....uh...*the boy seems to read for a few moments before turning the scroll over, sideways and upside down* He didn't even write a location on this thing. What? Whatever. Figure it out!"

Re: Artisday - Featuring a word smith

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:13 pm
by Vaelin
This should totally happen ic. XD Also, woo!