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Hunting Expedition / Cooking Competition

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:23 pm
by Laroremas
The following has been seen tacked to the large posting board situated within Mistral Lake's Town Square:

"ASPIRING HUNTERS BE AWARE - The twenty-first of Februm, a Citisday, LAROREMAS IBAONYTH of CLAN BLACK STONE will be leading a HUNT with the purpose of doing GLORIOUS BATTLE with beasts of WORTHY STRENGTH. The purpose of this hunt will be to collect meat, that which will be provided immediately afterwards to ASPIRING COOKS in order to present the BEST RECIPE with what has been gathered. The most DELICIOUS meal will receive a reward of THREE THOUSAND RILN. More details to be posted soon."

(OOC note: We will probably need judges for this, to eventually be elected in character. Two or three. More details may also be forthcoming.)

Re: Hunting Expedition / Cooking Competition

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:56 pm
by Laroremas
An update has been posted, one that is reflected in the writing on said postings throughout the land alongside the original message (seen above).

A time has been chosen: eight bells post-zenith, the hunt still to take place on the twenty-first of Februm, Citisday. (OOC: tomorrow) The hunt should be no longer than one bell in length, though perhaps a bit longer and will extend to at least two locations (to be elected by those in attendance).

Depending on how things go, the cooking competition (to be held at the Mistral Communal Kitchen) may be held immediately afterwards or will be a separate event entirely. If this is the case, the meat collected by the hunters will be given to those in need.

Re: Hunting Expedition / Cooking Competition

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:10 am
by Laroremas
Thanks to the 15+ people that showed up and thanks to the GMs for spicing things up in a way that was JUST the right amount inclusive for newer players. That's tough to do.

The information pertaining to the actual cooking portion of the competition has been disseminated ICly; due to time constraints tonight it will be taking place at 10 PM EST (8 PM game time) TOMORROW (Sunday, February 22). Keep an ear to the ground and bring your apron, nerds.