Buckets of Laughs and Barrels of Woe

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Buckets of Laughs and Barrels of Woe

Post by Squeak »

Buckets of Laughs and Barrels of Woe:

I figured, due to the length of this post, it deserved it’s own Player-Run-Event thread! It wasn’t an event, but it WAS player run, so I’m sticking to it. Also, it was twelve (12!!!) pages of logs. Good grief! :D

I want to preface this obscenely long post with a heartfelt “Thank you” for everyone involved. THIS right here is what these games are all about - a bunch of random folk, meeting by happenstance and someone, not mentioning any names (Kissa), mentioning to a certain NPC bard, “I’d like to know all your stories.” The NPC might not have said anything, but by all the gods, he didn’t need to. Without further ado, and with the permission of all parties involved, I give you the … Night of Buckets of Laughs and Barrels of Woe, in all its glory.


Vighon snaps his fingers, announcing, "I got one. A thrillin' tale o' Tragic Love."

Speaking to you, Kissa interestedly asks (muffled by a veil), "Ooh, yees?"

Shailah amusedly encourages, "You can write the next Sizzling Sam."

Cili grins at Shailah.

Speaking to Shailah, Kissa nervously inquires (muffled by a veil), "Hmm... do you think I would be up to the task? it sounds daunting, writing something for the entyre lost lands to read!"

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio exclaims, "I believe in you!"

Vighon nods in agreement, settling into the cushions of a sofa as if to get comfortable. In his gruff voice, he begins telling the tragic tale, starting, of course, with, "Once upon a time..." He trails off, collecting his thoughts before continuing, "There once were these two young folks, a woman o' startlin' height and a slightly smaller, but no less fashionable sort o' feller. Bein' young, they'd no house to call home, jus' a simple, burgundy bedecked room at a local inn..."

Cili takes a moment to thoughtfully observe her surroundings.

Tapping a finger to his chin, Vighon continues, "O' course, this love was not meant to be, for in their simple lil' room, their love turned sour, a venemous brew t' be sure. Bitter words spat like fire, ignitin' a relentless blaze of resentment." He pauses, running his tongue over his lips to wet them before explaining, "See, this gal, once his beacon o' warmth, became a harbinger o' icy silence. Each glance dripped with disdain, each touch like shards o' glass."

Alfio tilts his head, but listens quietly.

Vighon's eyes flick between every person as he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "Then, one fateful night, the weight o' their toxicity hung heavy'n the air. In a chillin' momen' of finality, he found himself at the end o' the rope, tangled in the threads of their unravelin' bond." He lets out a dramatically heavy sigh, adding in a quietly gruff voice, "In the quiet aftermath, she stood there, alone, haunted by the echoes o' their shattered love."

Cili glances out.

Cili quietly sighs, "Poor Charlie. Poor hopeless Charlie."

Kissa glances appreciatively at Vighon, quiet applause mufled by some gray leather gloves.

Cocking an ear to the curtained window, Vighon says in a conspiratorial whisper, "At night, it's said, y' can still hear the shoutin' from an empty window, near the end o' the inn. An' see a ghostly visage, peerin' up at the gallows as if lost'n the sight o' her hangin' love."

Shailah gasps!

Alfio says, "Oh, so it wasn't the neighbours having sex last night... Reassuring."

Cili smiles darkly and whispers, "Spooky."

Cili applauds.

Alfio applauds at you.

Alfio asks, "I need some paper... Someone has any?"

Cili drops her chair back to its proper position and leans forward. "I've got one to share."

Speaking to Cili, Alfio exclaims, "Ooh! We're listening!"

Cili beams happily!

"Thank y', thank y'," Vighon says, nodding to the applause as he leans back into the sofa's cushions. Cracking an amused grin, he states in a teasingly matter-of-fact tone, "That'll be a hunnerd riln from each o' you."

Cili glances casually about the area.

Cili looks at you and shrugs.

Cili hands you 50 riln.

[+50 riln, stowed in your dark cotton trousers]

Alfio hands you 100 riln.

[+100 riln, stowed in your dark cotton trousers]

Shailah offers to give you a sanded pine dye case.
You may accept or decline the offer.

Vighon laughs as he pushes the small piles of silver back at all the hands, "Kiddin'! Good lord."

Speaking to you, Shailah amiably says, "You can pick a color, if you like."

Speaking to Alfio, Kissa curiously asks (muffled by a veil), "Do you see, now, how thight does tragedy weave around us?"
Vighon flashes his teeth in a quick grin at Shailah.

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio exclaims, "Of course!"

Turning to peer at Cili, Vighon curiously says, "You've got a story t' share too... ah..." A quick pause, and a glance to Alfio, then back to the woman, "Ciliana, ain't it?"

Speaking to Cili, Shailah curiously encourages, "What is your story about?"

Cili brushes some hair out of her face and appears to be trying not to grin. "Alright alright. So, there's a nice little seaside tavern with a bartender working the lunch. Alls going well until there's a loud series of squawking and what sounds like beating wings. The bartender looks up and sees a pirate walking over to the bar with a parrot on his shoulder."

Alfio chuckles softly, opening his mouth as if about to ask a question, but then just smiles and listens quietly.

Kissa nods her head attentively.

Cili says, "Naturally, the bartender gives the man a crazy look and asks, what's with the parrot. He's still a pretty good bartender though so he pours the pirate a tankard of rum. The pirate responds, ah this is my first mate Polly. The best first mate a captain can ask for."

You chuckle quietly to yourself.

Cili says, "Pushing it toward the pirate, he says, well, I hope she can't drink as much as you can. The pirate takes a swig and responds, ah well she has a taste for the finer things in life, but she knows when to stop."."

Cili snorts a bit as she tries to continue, and covers her mouth with her hand. A moment later, she composes herself and the strain to hold herself together can be heard in her voice. "Then the parrot says, when the barrels dry, when the barrels dry."

Cili cackles!

Alfio laughs!

Alfio applauds Cili.

Vighon snorts a laugh, shaking his head in good-natured mirth.

Shailah giggles!

Kissa exclaims (muffled by a veil), "Amusedly ooh!"

Alfio exclaims, "That was fun!"

Her shoulders shake with laughter as Kissa applauds Cili.

Cili beams happily!

Cili hums a tune.

Cili says, "If you all like stories, I know a game we can play."

Alfio exclaims, "Mhm, I may have something to share, too, but that could or could not break my non-serious character... But, oh,! do tell, Cili!"

Kissa contentedly murmurs (muffled by a veil), "Despite my enjoyment to talk, I will gladly let you all speak of your own stories and listen attentively instead. I feel... uninspired.”

Cili says, "Oh, certainly, let's hear it."

Cili pokes her finger at Alfio.

Speaking to herself, Kissa guesses (muffled by a veil), "It is because of yesterday, most certainly."

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio asks, "Because of yesterday?"

Kissa nods slowly.

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio concernedly inquires, "Anything bad happen?"

Speaking to Alfio, Kissa explains (muffled by a veil), "It was a rather gloomy day. I had misfortune after misfortune..."

Speaking to Alfio, Kissa lists (muffled by a veil), "My back hurt, I lost a bracelet, I had too many thoughts and concerns into my head..."

Kissa slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio apologetically murmurs, "Oh... I am sorry to hear that, should you wish to talk about that I'll gladly lend an ear whenever you feel like doing so."

Speaking to herself, Kissa scolds (muffled by a veil), "I dozed off in the canyon proper. it was entirely my fault."

Alfio chuckles.

Alfio says, "There's worse places to doze off at, at least."

Alfio says, "But lots of better ones, too."

Kissa nods in agreement, onyx black eyes throwing a glance in Vighon's direction.

Alfio rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Vighon snaps his fingers at Alfio, stating, "That's what I'd said."

Kissa stretches.

Alfio laughs!

Alfio says, "Well, in any case, here it is before it slips from my mind..."

Alfio clears his throat, glancing pensively out the window...

Alfio recites:

In the canyon's clutch where shadows touch,
Stands the inn by Shadgard's name,
Where moonlight spills on the canyon's hills,
The Hanged Man claims its fame.

Alfio recites:

With weathered wood and stories stood,
Its sign creaks in the breeze,
A haven found on sacred ground,
For weary souls at ease.

Alfio recites:

Within those walls, where sofas call,
Travelers find respite,
They share their tales, from distant trails,
By the mountains' quiet might.

Alfio recites:

Once a man, with a broken plan,
Found solace in its keep,
Amidst the gloom, he found his room,
And there he laid his weep.

Alfio recites:

And now the Man sways where echoes play,
Its history whispered low,
A place that calls, where darkness sprawls,
In Shadgard's canyon's flow.

Alfio recites:

The sign there stands, to name the walls,
At the breeze silent sway,
Whispers roam of why he found home,
At the Hanged Man to stay.

Cili applauds.

Alfio recites:

Some say debts he couldn't meet,
Others, love gone wrong,
A tale entwined with fate's deceit,
At the noose he belonged.

Cili quietly says, "Oh..."

Alfio recites:

Was it a crime, or cruel design,
That brought him to this fate?
A mystery veiled in moonlit shine,
By Shadgard's quiet gate.

You snicker at Cili.

Alfio recites:

Yet here he rests, amid the west,
Where echoes blend with wind,
The Hanged Man's tale, forever blessed,
In whispers left behind.

Alfio leans back on the sofa, falling quiet.

Speaking to Alfio, Kissa interestedly compliments (muffled by a veil), "This was a rather enigmatic poem of sorts."

Speaking to Alfio, Cili says, "That was fun."

Shailah beams happily at Alfio!

Cili agrees with Kissa.

Speaking to Kissa, Alfio says, "Someone somewhat wise once told me that if I spit nonsense all the time it grows boring after a while, so..."

Cili exclaims, "Wise indeed!"

Speaking to Shailah, Cili asks, "What about you? Any stories to share?"

Shailah rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Shailah begins, "Once upon a time, there was a man exploring the desert. He was exploring the desert because he wanted to know what all was there to see in it. And one day, he found a tower. It was so tall, that he could not see the top of it. but there was a big bronze door, and a big stone statue sitting in front of the door."

Vighon cocks his head to the side as he watches Shailah, his blue-gray eyes alight with good humor and curiosity.

Shailah says, "Or...he thought it was a statue, and it was the statue of a big creature, a creature he did not know about, with four legs and wings and a very angry face. But then the statue talked to him: "Tell me," it was saying. "Why are you here? No one has found this tower in a very very long time. What is bringing you to this tower?"."

Cili leans forward and clasps her gloved hands together as she listens.

Alfio leans forward too, listening with curiousity.

Shailah dreamily says, ""I have been exploring for a very very long time, also. And I am curious," says him, "I want to know about the desert and all of its secrets. This is all. I do not want riln, I do not want treasure..I want only to explore the tower, great statue. Will you let me inside?"."

Shailah says, "The statue laughs at him and it moves for him to go into the door. "You can go inside. But if you are lying to me, you will never leave. You will only explore, and only look at the secrets, and take nothing else from the tower."."

Vighon tries to nudge Alfio in the side with his elbow, leaning over to quietly murmur, "I feel an innuendo'n the makin'."

Alfio turns to arch an eyebrow curiously at Vighon, while still listening to the story.

Onyx black eyes glance at Shailah encouragingly as Kissa listents curiously.

Vighon sighs, shaking his head, and turns back to Shailah.

Shailah says, "The man, he agrees, and goes inside. He sees wonderful things in this first room, beautiful things, like jewels and coins, all the things he did not want. So it is very easy for him to not take anything. He sees statues of strange things, but these are really statues and they do not talk. He spends a long time learning about the statues, who they are and what they are doing here. He learns how every statue was a person that took something from this room, or the rooms higher in the tower. So now that he knows his challenge, he starts to climb the stairs that are going up the tower. "I hope there is more secrets to this tower than gold," he says to himself. "It will be too easy then. I want to learn secrets."."

Cili nods slowly.

Cili quietly comments, "Riln is boring."

Alfio quietly murmurs, "But it's gleamy."

Shailah continues, "In the next room, he finds water. Pools and..ah, fountains, and strange trees and beautiful flowers. He spends a very long time learning about them, how they can heal things or hurt people, how they can make colors, how there is different kinds of water and their secrets. Then he moves on. And in the next he finds metals and fires, and he learns about these, also. He learns about the secrets to listening to the winds, and the secrets under the ground, and when he is so high that he can see them, all around him, the secrets of the stars, also."

Cili says, "Ooh, interesting, at this rate he'll never..."

Cili clasps her hands over her mouth.

Alfio blinks, and imitates Cili's gesture "oh... I may, maybe see where this is going..." he murmurs.

Vighon flashes Cili a quick grin, nodding in agreement.

Shailah smiles.

Shailah considers, "It is when he is climbing the stairs again that he finds another person sitting there. "Hello," she says. "You are also climbing the tower? I have been climbing it for a very very long time, but..you are the first person that I am seeing in all of this time. Will you sit with me and talk?" and the man says yes, and he sits, and he spends a long time learning about all of her secrets, and all of the different things she has learned climbing this tower, also."

Kissa curiously inclines her head.

Cili smiles.

Shailah says, "And when he is finished, he walks back down the tower, and leaves through the door, and tells the statue thank you, but he will be leaving now. "Why did you stop?" asks the statue. And the man says "Because there is no end to your tower. There are always more secrets to discover. But it is very very lonely, and I think that I can learn secrets also from the people around me. Because everyone will see your tower in different ways, this is why your tower has no top."."

Cili hums a tune.

Cili says, "I do like this tall tale."

Speaking to Shailah, Kissa appreciatively compliments (muffled by a veil), "That is a very wise story. it is , also, a very true one, if you take some tiem to consider it's meanings."

Cili grins at Shailah.

Kissa agrees with Cili.

Alfio agrees, "Truethat, a story as wise as good and true."

appreciatively compliments (muffled by a veil), "That is a very wise story. it is , also, a very true one, if you take some tiem to consider it's meanings."

Cili grins at Shailah.

Kissa agrees with Cili.

Alfio agrees, "True that, a story as wise as good and true."

Shailah amiably says, "The statue laughs at him again. "You can go, then. But you will never find this tower again. And you will never find someone who knows all of the secrets that you know now. And you will live a sad sad life." And this was true. The man never found someone that he liked or knew more than that person he talked with on the stairs of the tower, and everyone wanted to learn from him but they could not understand. And one day, he died alone, with all of his secrets. As for the person still climbing the tower? I think she has not stopped climbing it and never will. The end."

Cili laughs!

Kissa applauds Shailah.

Cili says, "I love it."

Alfio applauds Shailah.

Alfio says, "So do I."

Kissa exclaims (muffled by a veil), "Quite enigmatic, as well!

Kissa absentmindedly sneaks a hand under her veil, moving it slightly before removing it again, one of her gray leather gloves fingers painted red. "I... perhaps, yees."

Alfio smiles brightly in Kissa's way "we're all ears! And, other bodyparts, but mostly ears..."

Kissa clears her throat, gazing thoughtfully out the window for a moment before quickly turning on a heel to face the room.

Kissa casually begins (muffled by a veil), "Like all stories do, our story begins with a quiet village, in a nondescript area, men and women alike living peacefully simple lives, umplagued by either worries or other concerns, let alone the usual squabbles or troublemakers that are so common in such a village when people know themselves for such a long time that even their fights begin to be more of a daily routine than anything else."

Vighon's blue-gray eyes narrow minutely as Kissa's glove comes away, tinged in red, but he cocks his head to the side, content to listen to the story.

Cili fidgets with a braided spidersilk bracelet with a carved obsidian priestess attached as she listens, her eyes on Kissa.

Kissa thoughtfully says (muffled by a veil), "One day, however, the village is shaken to its foundations. their mayor, an old, graying man, benevolent and warm as the soothing rays of sunlight in a chilly morning, passed away, with no known relatives or children to be had."

Kissa panickedly mimics (muffled by a veil), "What to do, what to do? who shall decide the important matters for us, set the prices for the eggs and milk and cheese and meat and fur and all the animal produce, decide how much should we charge traveling wanderers, resolve disputes, hold the anual festivities..."

Kissa exclaims (muffled by a veil), "Like this the villagers asked themselves more and more, more frantic each day, untill, one day, the local priest, a fine youth and huntsman, worshipper of rami, held up a brightly painted arrow, and announced, matters, then, shall be settled! the one whom shall this arrow fall closes to, first, shall be our mayor!"

Kissa mimics holding a bow, gloved hands pulling an invisible bowstring as she releases it towards the room.

Cili ducks her head good naturedly.

Alfio pretends to dodge sideways and mutters "too much paperwork in mayoring".

Kissa enigmatically concludes (muffled by a veil), "Alas. his aim, however, was too good, too skilled of a huntsman to realise that such a decision should not easily taken by chance. as the arrow struck home, embedding itself in the heart of a beautiful lass, the priest's countenance paled. The village became more unsettled, clearly thinkingthat raim himself showed this as a sign of disappointment on their part. years passed. the people became good huntsmen, the village slowly adapting and being ruled by a good council, but matters were never the same as they were in the first days, when the village was a village, the people not so keen to hunt and more keen in farming, and the warm rays of sunlight were caressing their skin in cchilly mornings."

Shailah gasps!

Alfio blinks.

Cili giggles, then covers her mouth with her hand as she looks around.

Kissa misteriously says (muffled by a veil), "Why was the lass shot? what does a council imply for the future of the village, why such a village decided to take up a priest of rami as their advisor, and why was the mayor never having relatives? well, perhaps, this all had to do with the old, rusted double bladed battleaxe the mayor held over his fireplace, everyone's gaze wandering over it as if it never existed all those years, and their lack of concern to her death and the tufts of black fur they found in her bedroll after her mourning mother donated her belongings away."

Kissa curtsies.

Alfio says, "Uuuh, mysterious."

Kissa declares (muffled by a veil), "That is the story I had to tell. I let you all think of it and understand from it whatever your hearts and minds desire."

Vighon lets out a long, low whistle as the story comes to a close, a contemplative expression upon his face.

Alfio exclaims, "That's a good story!"

Shailah interestedly exclaims, "A mystery!"


And though the conversation continued after this, my logging gave out and I missed several things! OH WELL! It was a blast to be a part of, so lastly, I’ll reiterate; Thank you all for the marvelous night (morning)
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Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:03 pm

Re: Buckets of Laughs and Barrels of Woe

Post by Ninetales16 »

it was, likewise, an awesome moment! my appreciation for everyone involved in this. you all were astoundingly awesome!
We are the
Edema Ruh
We know the songs the sirens sang
See us dream every tale true
The verse we leave with you will take you home
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