Remote Fireside Hike

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Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Bryce »

I want to hike out somewhere with a group, make a campfire, and just hang out and get to know one another. Bring your bedrolls, your instruments, your camp cooking supplies, your songs, tales, and poems. Post if you're interested, and if more than one or two people are, I'll look into setting a time and place and getting the word out IC.
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Lae »

I'll be there.
[FROM Rias (OOC)]: Jaster can now pick the lock on your bathroom door. I don't want any more details on that bug report.
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by criticalfault »

I'm game if its after Tuesday!
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Jaster »

I will say I will do it. But no promises that I'll actually do it... I will if I can. If I can't, I won't. But I want to. Know what I'm saying? #wordsmith
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by merin »

Thursdays are bad for me. Tuesday evenings if it's going to be on a tuesday. Other than that, I can probably fit it in.
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by jilliana »

I'll definitely be there if the time and day are good. :)
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Liani »

sounds fun. i'd totally go for that if it I can make it.
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by dara »

I am in
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Alexander »

Count me in, schedule permitting.
(Alexander clenches a fist momentarily, then stops and calms himself with visible effort.)
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Bryce »

Not many people around tonight, guess I showed up too late. Rescheduling this for tomorrow night around 7:30 PM server time. Check the Shadgard town board.
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Bryce »

This was a lot of fun, thanks to the people who came along. Hope nobody got bored just sitting around singin, actin, and shootin the bull, but I had a great time.
ask jes for date
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by jilliana »

I think I'm safe in speaking for everyone else that we all had fun. Thanks for hosting the event. :)
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Re: Remote Fireside Hike

Post by Elystole »

That was a lot of fun. It has me interested in playing CLOK again.
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"I saw one of those Shadgard folk come barging into Grif's and shoot one of the patrons on the spot. Shadgard must be a pretty rough place with such outlaws running rampant."
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