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A warrior's tale.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:19 pm
by Evelyn
Evelyn McCready

Flitz- Father
Brenna - Mother
Cael - warrior brother.
Keefe - Brother.
Nevin- Brother
Granpa Norm
Granma Cherry

Evelyn was born in Karnath some 21 years ago to a farming family who owned several acres of land. She was the youngest of four children born to Flitz and Brenna McCready and the only girl. Evelyn had a pretty good carefree childhood, spending her days on the farm, she was expected to help out from a young age and found she had a touch for animals, she enjoyed taking care of them and seemed to have a good touch with them. She was very close to her grandparents and her family was pretty tight knit, often getting together to tell stories and sing songs, Evelyn enjoyed listening to these tales greatly.

Her favorite tales were about brave warriors, fighting across the lands. She often dreamed of becoming one and would listen with wide eyes. Evelyn got along with her siblings pretty well, being closest to her eldest brother, Cael. He decided to go off and explore the rest of Arad and to try and become a warrior, Evelyn looked up and admired him and from a young age decided she wanted to follow in his footsteps. He often wrote to her with tales of his travels and although she missed him terribly she looked forward to hearing from him.

It was expected that Evelyn, once she came of age, would stay on the farm and help out, tending to the animals, helping her mother cook and clean. A job she didn't mind doing but she longed for more, often dreaming of adventure and had heard tales from her brother of a fierce warrior group who worshipped animal spirits, this interested her greatly and she decided this is what she wanted in life. However her father didn't think it was proper for a young girl to go off on her own and forbid it.

Evelyn couldn't however shake of her desire to seek adventure so one night when the rest of her family were sleeping she snuck out, taking a few belongings with her and fleeing into the dark night, leaving a letter to her parents saying why she had to go and that she was sorry.

Evelyn traveled around western arad for a bit, until she came across a small mining town called Shadgard, she was met with a warm welcome and quickly made friends with the local townsfolk and enjoyed her time there so much she quickly decided to stay. Evelyn soon came to think of the town as home and wanted to protect it from harm, but decided not to tell her family where she was in fear of her father dragging her back to Karnath against her will. She soon joined the local branch of the Dwaedn Wyr and began her training in the ways of the warrior. Shortly after arriving in town she met a member of the Tsy gaien, a man called Kian who she quickly fell in love with and the pair set up a home together.

Evelyn still wonders about her brother, Cael and wishes she could find him and tell him of her adventures. She hopes he would be proud.

Since moving into Shadgard Evelyn has met many friends, namely a member of the Monastic order called Lae who became her most trusted friend. Along with the Scarecrows who Evelyn has come to look on as friends she has happily settled into life in Shadgard and hopes she can do more to help the town she now calls home.