I love these journals!

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I love these journals!

Post by Orris »

I love reading all these journals! I might put my own up too, but I don't want to just be jumping on the bandwagon. So for now I will say thank you to all the people who put time into writing these and sharing!
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by preiman »

i do too, and bandwagon or not, i am already working on one for Granny Sarint.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Avedri »

Uhh. It's kind of becoming tedious. I worry I won't be able to separate and I'd rather have people focusing efforts on interactions in-game.

Also, I do say I like the creative stories or unique perspective but a lot of them is just a recap of events and I'm lost as to the purpose of that.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by jilliana »

It's especially nice to think about writing one of these when the GM's encourage it.

It gives us a perspective on how a character thinks and feels at any given time. Sometimes a set of circumstances don't lead a character to display their true thoughts on a matter. I think a journal or something similar is a good way for us to display that it's perfectly fine for our character to have a mind of its very own. Not only that, but writing can often help us decide in which direction our character will lead us.

Whether we decide to read them and if they affect us IC or not is for us to determine. I'm sure nobody wants anyone to be bored to tears or consider it tedious to read their work, especially when it can have anformation on our character that we'd rather not read. If you feel like you can't separate, don't read it. There's always a choice, etc etc.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Kiyaani »

I don't mind reading other people's perspectives, backgrounds or personality tidbits that add depth to the characters we play. What I mind is people posting IC information that isn't strictly related to their character and then that IC information is there for anyone to see even if they weren't part of the events involved. If you want to share about your own characters that's one thing, but if you want to share about someone else that's different. There are ways to write about events and give your character's point of view without revealing IC knowledge.

I'd like to say everyone playing can separate IC/OOC, but let's be honest, that's not an expectation I can realistically have. Reading those things can subtly or not so subtly affect your actions both as a player and a character, could lead you to try and learn more or invent ways to interact with characters you would normally not, or even avoid characters you've never met just based on this OOC knowledge.

I don't find the journals tedious, boring or in poor taste. I just wish some of them would be more respectful of IC/OOC information.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Avedri »

jilliana wrote:
It gives us a perspective on how a character thinks and feels at any given time.
The majority of characters aren't enigmas. It is very easy to know what they are thinking/feeling.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Elystole »

I was staying out of this thread but since people are still talking about me let's go.
Orris wrote:I love reading all these journals! I might put my own up too, but I don't want to just be jumping on the bandwagon. So for now I will say thank you to all the people who put time into writing these and sharing!
You're very welcome. I'm glad people are enjoying them which is why I still update mine. That and since Elystole is an active in character vs character combat I want people to understand, even on an OOC level, why he does what he does. I don't expect people to agree with him, but I do want it to be clear that he has in-character reasons for what he does. Consider it a bit of CYA.

And go ahead and post one if you want. Screw the bandwagon. I don't think anyone can copyright the idea of posting a journal.
preiman wrote:i do too, and bandwagon or not, i am already working on one for Granny Sarint.
Great. Sarint is such an interesting/bizarre character that I'm curious.
Avedri wrote:Uhh. It's kind of becoming tedious. I worry I won't be able to separate and I'd rather have people focusing efforts on interactions in-game.
Also, I do say I like the creative stories or unique perspective but a lot of them is just a recap of events and I'm lost as to the purpose of that.
There's an easy solution to your problem: Don't read them. Also, it really isn't your place to say what people should focus their efforts on. If I do some CLOK-inspired sketches are you going to tell me that I should be "focusing efforts on interactions in-game"? It's our free time and we'll do with it what we want.
Kiyaani wrote:I don't mind reading other people's perspectives, backgrounds or personality tidbits that add depth to the characters we play. What I mind is people posting IC information that isn't strictly related to their character and then that IC information is there for anyone to see even if they weren't part of the events involved. If you want to share about your own characters that's one thing, but if you want to share about someone else that's different. There are ways to write about events and give your character's point of view without revealing IC knowledge.
I'd like to say everyone playing can separate IC/OOC, but let's be honest, that's not an expectation I can realistically have. Reading those things can subtly or not so subtly affect your actions both as a player and a character, could lead you to try and learn more or invent ways to interact with characters you would normally not, or even avoid characters you've never met just based on this OOC knowledge.
First of all, considering how freely information floats between your numerous alts, I'm surprised to see you here trying to lecture people on separating IC/OOC. Physician heal thyself.

Now to the issue that people are talking around: How do I determine whether or not to redact something before I post it to the journal? It isn't an exact science but I have a few things I consider.

If it is something that has been said over ESP, it isn't secret and I'm not redacting it. It went out over a region-wide unencrypted channel. Everyone heard it.

If it is something that was discussed in an inn, bar, or anywhere else that has "several people milling about" or something, it isn't secret and I'm not redacting it. Just because the witnesses were NPCs doesn't mean they don't count. That juicy bit of information is part of the rumor mill.

If it is one of those things that is an open secret, where everyone knows about it but pretends it is a secret for some reason or another, I probably won't redact it. Elystole generally doesn't play to people's delusions. Most of what people are upset about falls into this category.

Which brings us to my final criterion for determining whether or not I would redact something: If Elystole would keep it secret or not. Everything that shows up in the journal has been, at some point or another, discussed by Elystole in public. The "over ESP" or "in a public location" criteria are usually satisfied because he's the one doing the talking. This includes in such places as the Shattered Pumpkin, the Shadgard bathhouse, and the Grizzly Den.

It is also worth remembering that the journals are, by their nature, opinion pieces. Elystole could write something completely off-the-wall in there like "I just know Kiyaani's thrown her lot in with the cultists. It's just what I'd expect a murderous [witch] like her to do and it's a good way for her to get back at Shadgard," and be well within his rights. "But that's wrong! It's a lie!" you might say. It is, but people think wrong things all the time. They say a lot of wrong things too.

Whether or not you believe them and allow it to affect you is your decision.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Avedri »

Seems someone is all in a tizzy. I know Elystole has a very short temper, hopefully that doesn't translate IRL.

Reread what I wrote, "I'd rather" - it's my preference, an opinion, much like you are trying to define. I know reading comprehension is hard but since it's a text-based game, please try a little.

Also, if you think someone is mixing up IC/OOC information, alert Rias. He's made it quite clear that isn't tolerated. Even though I think your accusation is laughable, he'll dutifully review it as he should.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Lysse »

Avedri wrote:Seems someone is all in a tizzy. I know Elystole has a very short temper, hopefully that doesn't translate IRL.

Reread what I wrote, "I'd rather" - it's my preference, an opinion, much like you are trying to define. I know reading comprehension is hard but since it's a text-based game, please try a little.

Also, if you think someone is mixing up IC/OOC information, alert Rias. He's made it quite clear that isn't tolerated. Even though I think your accusation is laughable, he'll dutifully review it as he should.

It doesn't seem like a tizzy. Elystole has shown, from what I've seen, nothing but a level head regarding the forums, thankfully.

That being said, I really enjoy reading the journals that have been put up. It's great to see people trying to encourage the growth of the RP community of Clok.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Kiyaani »

That's funny... I keep notes and docs of IC conversations specifically so that I remember which alts had those discussions or heard certain things. If you know something I don't then I'd suggest you speak in private with a GM so we can correct the issue - much as Avedri said. Until you can prove that I have done anything of the sort, I suggest you refrain from accusing me of sharing information between my alts or making personal attacks. It's unnecessary.

I don't dictate what people can or can't write in their journals. You can spread lies or tell the truth as you see fit. I enjoy reading them for what they are. I also expressed an opinion regarding IC/OOC information. But it's just that - an opinion. Thanks for sharing your own.


I also want to apologize to Orris for the direction this thread turned. I'll refrain from further posts here.
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Re: I love these journals!

Post by Rias »

Topic locked. Let's try not to descend to the point of players insulting players, please.
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