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Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:17 am
by Akila
Having skilled Akila's music ability up quite a lot and with a variety of instruments, a thought occurred to me.

As a mummer, I go to various taverns and inns to tell stories, gain reputation and a bit of riln. This is done pretty easily once you know what you're doing. My thought is could we add a musical performance, considering when you use 'play' it gives you various options of play styles. I was thinking something like this:

perform slow
You play a slow tune on your lyre with decent style and solid technique.
The crowd seems to enjoy what they're hearing!

perform sad
You continue your performance, weaving in a sad melody on your lyre.
The crowd seems to enjoy what they're hearing!

etc until the end, rewarding the mummer with riln and guild reputation.

This could be done either alongside storytell or instead of, at the mummers choice.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:13 pm
by Fayne
I like the idea, and I think I'd like it even better if they were mutually exclusive. It doesn't seem right that we should expect the Artisans to be more focused on one or two talents when they are the exclusive crafting guild and not expect the Mummers to be more do the same when they are the exclusive creative/culture guild.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:48 pm
by preiman
Seriously, get over it. I'd explain why it's not the same thing, but there's not a lot of point. At the very least make your complaints in their own thread, rather than bring it up over and over again in other people's

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:21 pm
by Fayne
I don't understand? I'm not complaining about anything. If you mean Artisans being made to focus their talents more, I've actually been a supporter of that more than anything. The only reason I brought it up here was to simplify my point a bit, but I guess I'll go into more detail to explain my reasoning:

I believe CLOK is advanced enough that, while all of the entertainers have banded together to form the Mummers, they are still specialists within that group. Beethoven didn't write epics, Shakespeare never painted a masterpiece, and Rembrandt never composed a ballad. Sure, a person could easily learn how to do more than one of those things, and some real-world famous people have. But they are always renowned for one or the other.

So, you see, I'm actually against anyone being a Renaissance (wo)man of any type, whether it be crafting, fighting, or, erm, art-ing? I'm not being passive-aggressive about anything here, everyone should already know I'm not really that type. Either I'm passionate enough about it to speak directly on it, or I don't care/it doesn't bother me enough to speak up.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:30 pm
by Kunren
Fayne wrote:I don't understand? I'm not complaining about anything. If you mean Artisans being made to focus their talents more, I've actually been a supporter of that more than anything. The only reason I brought it up here was to simplify my point a bit, but I guess I'll go into more detail to explain my reasoning:

I believe CLOK is advanced enough that, while all of the entertainers have banded together to form the Mummers, they are still specialists within that group. Beethoven didn't write epics, Shakespeare never painted a masterpiece, and Rembrandt never composed a ballad. Sure, a person could easily learn how to do more than one of those things, and some real-world famous people have. But they are always renowned for one or the other.

So, you see, I'm actually against anyone being a Renaissance (wo)man of any type, whether it be crafting, fighting, or, erm, art-ing? I'm not being passive-aggressive about anything here, everyone should already know I'm not really that type. Either I'm passionate enough about it to speak directly on it, or I don't care/it doesn't bother me enough to speak up.
Kinda agree with fayne here, he makes a good point and Im not exactly sure what set off premian personally. Mummers probably should specialize, though I imagine itd have to be done differently than artisan peoples. Id love if they had more freedom to do so however, before we start adding in coded specializations. Composing, painting, sculptures, and all those other things would need coded pieces before we can add coded specializing mechanisms.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:49 pm
by Fayne
Honestly, there isn't much missing. If we could get pottery completed and re-implemented, we could give Mummers their own special options when it comes to making pottery, as well as special options for Artisans as well, perhaps. Then add in some special carving optikns for Mummers to make figures nobody else can, and then you have wverything you need to complete the Mummer repertoire. Paintings and drawings can already be done, and I have done a number of them with Fayne. Composing can also be done, as Akila has shown with her songs and performances. I really don't know how we could expand on those any more beyond what we have already. Sure, we could implement some kind of FANSII art system, but with roughly half of our players being visually impaired to some degree, I don't think that would be very beneficial. Music I suppose could be improved by adding sound clips, but that can be done more easily client-side than server-side.

The thing about a guild like the Mummers is mechanics can only do so much. With their guild focused so heavily on things that can't truly be captured with mechanics, it's up to the players to make the Mummers great. Cigano is not Cigano because he has an awesome mechanic that lets him tell fortunes. He's Cigano because he takes the time do those things himself and work them into his gameplay. Akila isn't an awesome singer because we can hear what her character is supposed to sound like. She's an awesome singer because she takes the time to make sure she has a collection of songs at her disposal to sing at a moment's notice. The players are who make those characters great, not anything the game supports them with, and that's why I admire our mummers so much. No matter how much mechanics are tweaked and altered, they'll still be awesome at what they do, while the rest of us will be at the mercy of our skills and abilities.

So you know what? I'll just wrap up this post with a little congrats to our Mummer players, because you guys play probably the most difficult characters, and you do an awesome job at it. I hope someday we'll have more than two or three.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:14 pm
by Akila
I can't really see Mummers as actual artists with the likes of drawing, painting, pottery etc. We're show offs! We love being centre of attention! Sat drawing or making figurines isn't what we want to do, even if we'd get praise for it. It's drawing in the crowds and making people happy by either a creepy tale, a love song or making a general fool of ourselves with jokes and tricks.

Mummers are very RP focused, which is why I love playing one. I find divination interesting when the cards I pull randomly OOC seem to match up IC with a character's question, enjoy seeing IC reactions to songs and stories I sing and tell, teaching people to play instruments, watching reactions when they go fighting with a cackling mummer that can incapacitate a mob at a whisper. So. Much. Fun!

So thank you, Fayne, for appreciating us!

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:22 pm
by Fayne
Hey, you're forgetting that YouTube is full of what I would call "street artists" who draw crowds be painting or drawing in fun and interesting ways. I imagine Mummers encompass every creative type, though most are much more outspoken and in the spotlight. I'm sure there are quite a few Mummer artists who do crazy things while painting somethinv in front of peoples' very eyes. In fact, I think that'd be really interesting to see someone RP.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:39 am
by Rias
Mummers were conceived specifically as performers. While the artistic bent of musicians, actors, and so on may arguably mean they're the type to take up things like painting or sculpting and the like, I don't think the Mummers as an organization should or would claim particular superiority in such things. Mummers are primarily about the performance, and the emotions/manipulations conveyed through such - not so much about creating physical pieces of art. After all, a Mummer wants her observers' focus to be on her, not on a piece she's working on. If the audience's focus isn't on the Mummer herself, she'll have a much harder time affecting their emotions.

You can pour your emotions into the creation of a physical piece of art, but that piece is not going to retain or convey those emotions supernaturally. So a Mummer could be into creating physical art pieces, sure - but only just as well as anyone else would. Mummers could (and many would) make a showy performance about anything they like to do. I don't see the organization having exclusive specialties in things like painting, sculpting, drawing, carving, and so on. Really, it sounds more like an Artisan thing to me, if we were going to force the concept into an existing guild (which I don't think needs to be done in this case). Mummers are about the performance, Artisans are about the end result physical piece.

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:08 pm
by Fayne

Re: Storytell or Performance

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:43 pm
by gralkik
Akila wrote:Having skilled Akila's music ability up quite a lot and with a variety of instruments, a thought occurred to me.

As a mummer, I go to various taverns and inns to tell stories, gain reputation and a bit of riln. This is done pretty easily once you know what you're doing. My thought is could we add a musical performance, considering when you use 'play' it gives you various options of play styles. I was thinking something like this:

perform slow
You play a slow tune on your lyre with decent style and solid technique.
The crowd seems to enjoy what they're hearing!

perform sad
You continue your performance, weaving in a sad melody on your lyre.
The crowd seems to enjoy what they're hearing!

etc until the end, rewarding the mummer with riln and guild reputation.

This could be done either alongside storytell or instead of, at the mummers choice.
+1 -- I like this idea and think the same way. It would be fantastic to be able to improve reputation and earn riln based on the ability to play music and skill.