Stealthy People's Thoughts on Group Stealth Exemptions

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Stealthy People's Thoughts on Group Stealth Exemptions

Post by Gorth »

Probably just a product of having no perception because we are new, but I find it exceedingly difficult to communicate to group members, while both are stealthed. What if we had a little toggle that would let us always show up to our group member when we are stealthed. Or something like that. Or just a command to signal to all group members, even if we cannot see them, which reveals them to us. It might be a little bit game-y, but I enjoy stealth roleplay, and it's really hard when the only way to do it is to search them out, whitch pushes their risk up, wastes time, and is just generally annoying and spammy.
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Re: Stealthy People's Thoughts on Group Stealth Exemptions

Post by Zeldryn »

If memory serves, there used to be some sort of functionality that allowed this. If two people had each other on their friends lists, and were in the same group, they automatically could see their hidden ally. Just as long as they were both on each other’s friends list. This allowed people to sneaky double cross when appropriate. I wouldn’t be at all opposed to this functionality returning in a similar capacity
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Re: Stealthy People's Thoughts on Group Stealth Exemptions

Post by Sneaky »

I personally find the current group stealth mechanics cumbersome. Facilitating a group as a stealthy leader is particularly frustrating. Throw in horses or controlled nethrim and the whole thing becomes a juggle act, for if you try to communicate with your group they begin to search. I feel that the act of searching should only raise someone's risk if the searcher is hostile towards them, with group members assumed to be nonhostile, and players outside of your group to be assumed hostile.
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