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"Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:56 pm
by Jirato
Please remember that it can be a bit jarring as a new player asking a QUESTION when three or four people jump on them about asking about something that should be covered over one of the IC channels such as ESP. I'm sure y'all have the best intent, but just immediately going, "Ask that IC" can be a bit off-putting. Additionally, unless you are a mentor or a GM, it really shouldn't be your place to moderate chat and question. If there's no one else on to respond and the person seeking assistance is not getting an answer, tell them if you must, but please consider how you phrase the response instead of just a short "That's IC". You can tell them why it's IC, what the preferred method of asking is, and so on.

For example, if someone asks how they can learn a skill. You can tell them about how when you LOOK at an NPC that offers training, it'll tell you what skills they train and how you can ASK for them. You can also point them to the Skills category on the BBS ( ... ory:Skills), where most of the skills have detailed instructions on how to use them as well as a list of available trainers. You could then mention that if they have any questions about where to find a trainer or if they want another character to show them in person, that they can ask for assistance ICly over the ESP pendant.

Re: "Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:04 pm
by Zeldryn
Good post, whole-heartedly agree with it as well. I've been guilty of this myself at times. In fact-- I believe I was guilty of it a bit earlier today.

That being said, if I've ever come off this way to anyone? My apologies! It's never my intent to be jerky or overstep boundaries, but I admittedly can come off that way when I'm trying to answer quickly.

(Not that I thought that this was directed toward me, but after thinking about it, gee, I have done this a few times recently.)

Re: "Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:29 am
by Kent
"Additionally, unless you are a mentor or a GM, it really shouldn't be your place to moderate chat and question. "

I get that the intention of the post was to go easy on newcomers (is it?) So just now I was asking players (not newbie players) not to use chat to discuss item properties and other game mechanics on Chat and I was referred to this post. Apparently my pointing out there was too much IC on chat was a worse offense than the players doing it.

Since there are few mentors and GM's around these days, and I can expect chat to be abused and I will be the bad guy if I say anything about it, I will be resorting to turning chat off more often, and frequently using the Ignore command on people that would have been moderated were there moderators around. So don't be too puzzled if it seems I never acknowledge your chats, it means I added you to my Ignore list. Because I don't want to moderate you and become the bad guy.

Re: "Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:35 am
by ironcross32
Do what you feel is required to make you happy. IT was one thing, very minor, that I, nor anyone else thought was even OOC at the time. You didn't even ask politely, you just spat it out. No one is flouting the rules as you think they are, because the GM's presence is lessened. I posted that more due to the officious way in which you worded your not so friendly request, more than it was due to the contents of said request.

Anyway, further responding to this post isn't warranted, nor is it dignified, since it's rather childish in my opinion.

Re: "Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:49 pm
by Kent
Thanks for reminding me that I'm the bad one. Especially when my impolite request was "That's too IC, guys." See, if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known how impolite that was.

And thanks for pre-insulting me for making this post. I'm glad that your response just above doesn't fall into the category of, It isn't warranted, nor dignified, just childish in your opinion. Only my post here falls into that category. Thanks for informing me about that.

Re: "Hey! That's supposed to be IC!!!"

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 3:15 pm
by Jirato
I am on mobile right now and can't write a detailed reply, but locking this topic for now.

Please try to understand the spirit of the original post, its. ot just about "policing chat is a GM/Mentor responsibility", it's more a "lets all try to be more chill with chat, theres no need to take everything so seriously." That applies not only to jumping on newbies cases about their usage of chat, but also jumping on other players cases for jumping on newbies cases about their usage of chat.

Again, on mobile, so sorry for any typos.