Asking for soundpack help

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Asking for soundpack help

Post by artus »

I know it probably is not a good time now, because everyone's possibly hybernating somewhere, but figure I'd do anyway in case I forget.

As many know, I'm the maintainer of the mush-z and mushclient version of Clok soundpack, and is currently working on it. I've asked for a hand before, but it was nothing specific. Now, however, is, as I honestly don't feel like making 16 alts just to search.

I'm looking for room names without flags, and without you turning your room flag option off. I'm looking for a room that goes like this:
[Tse Gaiyan Chapter House]
But not
[Tse Gaiyan Chapter House] [InCvRk]
(I already have the above rooms.)

If anyone come across room names without flags, please either pm me here, send me a tell on Clok, send to my skype at mars.bhuntamata, or email me at I'll keep everyone updated in this topic what rooms I've got, so you guys won't have to send a hundred copies of the same rooms to me thinking I don't have.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Asking for soundpack help

Post by Noctere »

Might also help to avoid going AFK when a GM offers to help, right after you posted. *wink wink*
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Re: Asking for soundpack help

Post by artus »

Uh, my bad. Well if what you did was sending me a page tell, sure I'd miss it. I'd recommend sending me a pm here on the bbs, actually, in case I lose the stuff. Tells aren't relyable sometimes.
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