question about poultices and duplication

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question about poultices and duplication

Post by Tangela »

I have noticed recently that making poultices sometimes causes two poultices to be made instead of just one. Until this is resolved, should we avoid making poultices for the time being?
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Re: question about poultices and duplication

Post by Lun »

I hope this is actually a result of high herbalism, as a way to reward those who have put in the hours into the skill. That being said, also possible bug!
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Re: question about poultices and duplication

Post by Jirato »

I've seen it reported a few times but have never been able to successfully reproduce it. Yes, it's a bug and not intended. But no, you don't need to stop making poultices because of it.
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[GMCHAT Rias]: Dimmes says "oh hai :) u need healz? ill get u dont worry thaum lasers pew pew pew lol"
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Re: question about poultices and duplication

Post by Tangela »

I think I've only ever seen it with custom made poultices, rather than standard recipes, but not entirely sure this is the case.
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Re: question about poultices and duplication

Post by ironcross32 »

I don't watch it closely enough to know, a lot of the times when I am making them, its between fights, so my goal is to become rested / healed as much as possible before finding more infested to take out.
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