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A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:12 pm
by Zahrah
I think I've only been playing CLOK for like... a week and a half now and already I've just been blown away by how involved the staff is here and how much they do for all of us. I've been hearing about CLOK for years now (and finally decided to give it a try) and now I see why I've always heard such great things about it.

The GMs definitely play a large part.

So, I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you, guys, for working so hard. I actually couldn't sleep last night and ended up staying up and grinding (because what else would a reasonable adult do at 5 a.m.) and the whole time I was on, I also saw Jirato logged in and I couldn't help but think, "Damn, Jirato, go to bed," and then I learned this morning that he had been up working on CLOK for us and I'm just... I'm floored, to be quite honest. I've played on several MUDs over the years and I have NEVER (and I would like to stress the word NEVER again) actually seen staff members who so actively work toward improvements and player suggestions.

Instead of years of being virtually flipped the bird and told, "I'll eventually fix that game-breaking bug," I've seen bugs being constantly fixed here and improvements being considered and it's just really freaking cool, for lack of a more eloquent phrase.

And then I've heard so many things about past GM-run events that actually have plots (PLOTS) and player actions can have an impact on the world (LIKE WHAT THE CRAP. I played on one MUD for like 3 years and my character had to just keep fighting to save the world over and over again like she was on some nightmare loop because no matter what the playerbase did, the staff didn't care enough about making anything stick.)

I'm just... so pleased with CLOK and all I've seen of it so far and I can recognize that it's taken a LOT of work to get this MUD to where it is today. So, thank you. It's the little things that truly make a game great (in my mind), but sometimes, it's also the big things, too.

(Also, please don't ever think that me suggesting new additions to CLOK that "might be cool" is me expressing any sort of dissatisfaction or a lack of appreciation for the work that is constantly being done. Sometimes I just get ideas and get excited and want to share.)

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 1:35 pm
by Kiyaani
Glad you're liking the game so far. I hope you stick around. Thanks to all the GMs and players making this game what it is :)

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 5:01 pm
by Vestyn
Your post, right there, makes everything I try to do on Clok worth it. That warmed my heart. From the bottom of now freshly warmed heart, thank you for actually coming and giving us a shot. It's always great to see people come, play, enjoy, and stick around.

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:21 pm
On the flip side, the greatest reward and inspiration for GMs is having great players to GM for. Our sincerest thanks to you and many others like you.

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:27 pm
by jilliana
Thank you for coming to play with us. :) I second Kiyaani in our hopes that you stick around.

Ditto on the GMs. Things have been fun and a lot of it has to do with you all. Thanks so much.

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:51 am
by Jirato
I'm really glad you've been enjoying it. Please don't ever feel like you're pestering us when you're sharing feedback and suggestions. We love them! I may not always respond to everything, but I do read them all.

And as much as I appreciate you commending my late night work... someone may have forgotten to remove himself from the who list last night. ;-) I'm always on the server for ease of access across multiple devices and locations, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm always actively connected, whoops.

Re: A BIG thanks to all the GMs

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 2:23 pm
by Zahrah
Jirato wrote:I'm really glad you've been enjoying it. Please don't ever feel like you're pestering us when you're sharing feedback and suggestions. We love them! I may not always respond to everything, but I do read them all.

And as much as I appreciate you commending my late night work... someone may have forgotten to remove himself from the who list last night. ;-) I'm always on the server for ease of access across multiple devices and locations, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm always actively connected, whoops.
Pshhhh we can just pretend you work on the MUD 24/7 ;)