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Reverting the who list

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:59 am
by Jirato
It's been about three quarters since the removal of player names from the who list. It's been met with some mixed opinions. During the player survey we did back in September, things seemed pretty split with barely over 50% of the players having a negative opinion of it, 14% of the players having no opinion on it, and the rest having a positive opinion.

The reasons for the removal at the time seemed pretty obvious: To offer more immersion into the RP environment and eliminate or at least greatly hinder meta-gaming based on "who's online to retaliate/respond if I do this...". However, 79% of the players taking the survey also stated that one of their liked features of CLOK is the player interaction and community, with the majority picking that as their single one favorite aspect of the game. We understand that this also greatly hinders player interaction. Especially in times of low player counts (which, trust me, we're not oblivious to), seeing exactly who is playing so that you can reach out to them may be a huge benefit and encourage people to, you know, actually stay online rather than just log in and immediately log out, which the majority of players have been doing over the past couple weeks.

So I'd like to ask one more time, this time without the "No opinion" answer, so that we have a definite yes or no. Do you want to see player names on the who list?

Re: Reverting the who list

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:34 am
by Skjotur
I like it how it is now but think it probably contributed to fewer people playing, so I will most likely vote to have it reverted. If it's reverted can we still stay anonymous if we choose to with option rphardcore?

Re: Reverting the who list

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:38 pm
by jilliana
Skjotur wrote:I like it how it is now but think it probably contributed to fewer people playing, so I will most likely vote to have it reverted. If it's reverted can we still stay anonymous if we choose to with option rphardcore?
Rphardcore was already an option before the who system was implemented last year. I also voted 'yes' in the hopes that it will stay.

Re: Reverting the who list

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:38 am
by Bryce
Looks like it's back, at least for now. I think it'll help bring some of the community feeling back even if I did like the anonymous way, too.