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Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correctly

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:56 am
by Jirato
Disclaimer: This is not targeted at any specific person or posted in reaction to any recent events. This is something that's been on my mind for quite awhile now, as I feel it rather important for immersion in a role-playing enforced text game when speaking in-character.

I'm going to risk coming across as a bit of a jerk here, but please, PLEASE, if you are in a guild or a larger organization, spell that guild or organization correctly. If you are a resident or frequent visitor of a major town, spell that town's name correctly. If you are conducting periodic interactions with a named NPC, spell that NPC's name correctly.

And if you know how to spell something properly and constantly see someone making the same error over and over again... send them a polite TELL to nudge them to the proper spelling.

This has just been really bugging me lately. I've tried to correct it when I see it, but sometimes it's just not possible, I may be controlling an NPC and unable to send tells, or just monitoring the game from my tablet.

I know a large portion of our player base is visually impaired and uses a screen reader to assist with playing. I think that's totally awesome and fully support it. I've spent a significant effort on improving accessibility options and plan to continue to do so. However, some people have the tendency of spelling unfamiliar words such as locations and names phonetically, which is frequently wrong. I'm sorry if this makes me sound like an insensitive jerk, but I don't believe that's any excuse to not know how to spell significant names in CLOK. It's a subject I've brought up with a few of other screen reader users and they've all agreed. Spelling properly CAN be done. It just takes a little effort.

It's H A I B A N, Haiban. Not Hiban, Hiben, Heyben, Hoybon, or anything else.
It's T S E G A I Y A N, Tse Gaiyan, not Say Guyan, Se Gayun, or anything else. (And also not "Gaiyan" by itself.)

And while this doesn't bother me nearly as much since it's entirely OOC, it's J I R A T O, not Jirado or Giratoe or Geraldo.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:00 am
by Sneaky
It's also S h a d g a r d, pronounced Shad guard I believe.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:01 am
by Barius
I support this post fully.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:05 am
by Rias
I'm going to risk being a meanie and add my support to this request. Please, please, put effort into learning the spelling of your guild name, your town name, your race, and so on. At this point it seems like they're all misspelled more often than not, and it makes me sad inside.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:07 am
by Acarin
Thank you for posting this, Geraldo. I wholeheartedly agree and apologize for not spelling your name correctly in the previous sentence.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:05 am
by Fayne
For some reason, the spelling of Jirato's name as "Geraldo" made me think of " Gyarados" the Pokemon. And noe I really want to call Jirato Gyarados.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:09 pm
by preiman
be nice to Gelato

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:14 pm
by Rias
preiman wrote:be nice to Gelato
Yay, someone else who thinks that when they see the name!

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 4:32 pm
by jilliana
Jirato wrote:I know a large portion of our player base is visually impaired and uses a screen reader to assist with playing. I think that's totally awesome and fully support it. I've spent a significant effort on improving accessibility options and plan to continue to do so. However, some people have the tendency of spelling unfamiliar words such as locations and names phonetically, which is frequently wrong. I'm sorry if this makes me sound like an insensitive jerk, but I don't believe that's any excuse to not know how to spell significant names in CLOK. It's a subject I've brought up with a few of other screen reader users and they've all agreed. Spelling properly CAN be done. It just takes a little effort.
Emphasize the words "little effort".

I know I have been guilty if spelling some names wrong, and it's nothing to do with my screen reader usage. It's more to do with my hearing loss, but I'd rather put in that very teeny tiny little effort to learn how to spell something and not look a bit foolish.

You forgot about Mistral, not Minstral.

I must admit, when I first heard the name I did think of Gerardo!

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:10 pm
by Jirato
Fayne wrote:For some reason, the spelling of Jirato's name as "Geraldo" made me think of " Gyarados" the Pokemon. And noe I really want to call Jirato Gyarados.
UGH. Gyarados kicked my butt in the Pokemon Y Elite 4, hardest fight in the entire game.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:53 pm
by Kunren
Jirato wrote:
Fayne wrote:For some reason, the spelling of Jirato's name as "Geraldo" made me think of " Gyarados" the Pokemon. And noe I really want to call Jirato Gyarados.
UGH. Gyarados kicked my butt in the Pokemon Y Elite 4, hardest fight in the entire game.
How do you feel about Pokemon go Jirato(Geraldo ftw)? I'm not a big Pokemon fan myself but I'm excited to see whether this new type of game will be the newest craze or completely flop.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:50 am
by Fayne
I foresee Jirato getting called Geraldo and Gelato a lot more frequently now. lol

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 9:36 am
by Acarin
At first I was really excited by the prospect of calling him Geraldo... but Gelato is so much more delicious.

Re: Spelling major locations, organizations, and NPCs correc

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:17 am
by blindndangerous
I know I'm guilty of this myself, and I'm glad people have gotten with me privately (and I think one time that it was brought up in a skype call with Rias and the others during a lore discussion). But now I know it's Haiban, and Jirato, and Vinz. Hahaha. Though now whenever I write Jirato I think of a rat.