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Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:53 pm
by Rias
Hey. Hey you. Yeah, you.

I've been plotting and scheming to bring some travelling merchants and alterers around. I have some plans in mind already for some, but I'm curious what kind of stuff people would like to see from special merchants that pop in from time to time. These kinds of merchants bring opportunities to get some unique items, but the wares shouldn't necessarily be expected to have extraordinary properties or functionality.

Good examples:
- Housing decor (tapestries, mirrors, paintings, etc.)
- Special cosmetic horse-worn items (saddles, bridles, not armor) and horse "grooming" (customizing the appearance of a horse)
- Tattoos
- Rarer cooking herbs and spices

Bad examples:
- Weapons and armor with super special properties
- "I really want a celestium greataxe please thx"
- Magic artifacts of doom

P.S. No guarantees on requests. Just wanting to know what people are wanting. Wasing the wanting of wasing your wantings.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:59 pm
by preiman
I would give a lot to see someone come in selling Giganti weapons and armors. although what really might be fun is a traveling group of musicians. they could offer neet instruments and lessons to help you get startted.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:13 pm
by Rias
And just to clarify, I'm not against weapons and armor merchants. They're just some of the most highly-requested, so I already know people want those. Giving specifics, like particular cultural weapons and stuff, is good.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:18 pm
by preiman
I'd also love to see racially specific clothing merchants.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:45 pm
by Stranger
Maybe this falls under the "Magic artifacts of doom" category but I would love to see a peddler who sells a limited quantity of imported crafting goods such as ores like cobalt and bloodglass, a few drakolin scales (with a tall tale of how he got them) or some strangely cut gems (which the seller might claim were found, "just lying on the road).

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:56 pm
by Kent
My favourite shop, The Tools of The Trade Wagon, disappeared from Keth. The food items in there are now freely available elsewhere, but the hardware items are missed. At the last festival this wagon didn't show up. So for the sake of newcomers, how about an appearance of Tools of The Trade?

Also, another appearance of Didrik's 'imports' would be the sizzle.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:11 pm
by Sneaky
Pocket watches and lighters! Some nifty bags and awesome clothing. Dart boards for our houses, hmm, those shrine things were pretty neat. Clothing would be coo too.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:27 pm
by preiman
a statue shop, would be wonderful

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:44 pm
by Rias
Good to know what people want. I've gotten some inspiration from the suggestions here for other stuff to do, so keep em coming!

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:45 pm
by Rias
Spearhead, I swear, if you bring up something contraption-related ...

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:47 pm
by Makkah
I was half a second from posting...

::shakes head and walks away::

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:36 pm
by Kunren
Piercings! I got some hope in that direction from Zonia at one point but though the guy was awesomely scareh I never got a follow up.

Gigan rune carver would be really coolio but considering how that's kinda actual magic from what I understand of the gigan lore, perhaps just a lover of the art who can do it but not imbue supernatural properties.

Dentist! Let's get those custom lookin teeth pls, cause that'd be epic mode.

Face painter: Temporary, cheap "tattoos" for looking completely ridiculous for few days. Something like Henna tattoos maybe?

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:12 pm
by Jaster
Rias wrote:Spearhead, I swear, if you bring up something contraption-related ...
That contraption sucks.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:29 pm
by Acarin
Not magic weapons of doom, but any sort of brawling weapon would be nice (obviously not guild specific). Iron or steel, maybe?

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:25 pm
by Fayne
I'd like some more "natural" options for jewlery and other adornments. You know, like bracelets and such made of flowers braided together or something. It'd just be nice to have options for those crazy folks who aren't too crazy about metal.

Oh yeah, I'd also like to see some rings or bands made from solid pieces of stone. Opaque stones would definitely be believable, like turquoise or jet. Maybe a limited number of very expensive rings made from one continuous piece of polished amethyst or emerald or something.

Glove options would be nice. I think there's only one readily-available place to buy non-armor gloves, and it doesn't give many options for color. You could have them made, but of course they'll weigh more than they should, and that's if you can catch someone willing to make them for you.

Animal-themed hats! I'm sure there are people who would love to have a hat or two that is basically just a bear head, with their face looking out through the open mouth (maybe a leather helm would be more appropriate to look like this). And then it'd be nice to have hats with the tails or whatever of various animals hanging off of them. For instance, raccoon/fox hats with the tail hanging off of one side.

Lucky charms! No, I don't mean the breakfast cereal, but rather small prop items (some of which may be wearable) that are sold specifically as tokens of luck, such as rabbits' feet, horseshoes, coins, stones, or cards. I imagine the people of the Lost Lands are rather prone to superstition. In fact, I think it'd be cool to occassionally offer a few unique charms that are made from small artifacts left over from the Old Kingdom of Aetgard. Maybe the opposite could also be sold, eg "cursed" charms that are supposed to bring misfortune. Because we all know there are always going to be people interested in that, either because they want to appear creepy or evil, or they don't believe in silly superstitions and want to prove that the items aren't actually cursed at all.

It'd be nice to have a mask salesman come through every so often (his happiness is totally up to you). They don't even have to be the whole-face kind either. The kind that only covered the eyes or upper face would have not only been cheaper to make, but also more common. Leave the masks that hide your entire face for the truly creepy and mysterious people.

Now, I know this might seem like a silly suggestion, but how about some beltworn containers named coinpurses? Many people already throw all their riln into a pouch or small container specifically for that purpose, why not make one that can carry a significant amount of weight, but is limited to only being able to hold riln, and maybe polished/cut gems and precious stones. They could also just be renamed pouches, perhaps with a special description, but I think it'd be nice to have a container made specifically for carrying nothing but riches, and lots of it. If you really wanted to get creative and complicated, you could also somehow make it more likely to be stolen from when someone picks your pocket, provided it is left open, but that would require some significant work and isn't really all that important, just a neat idea.

A wider variety on mobile liquid containers would be nice. Some fancy waterskins, canteens, and wineskins would be welcome. Maybe make a primitive thermos so people can carry around hot tea or coffee believably, because we all know lukewarm variants of either taste just plain awful.

Last suggestion: ESP pendant variants. I'm not 100% certain on the lore of ESP artifacts, but I know if it's possible, it'd be nice to see some variants that we can wear somewhere besides our neck, or even just some that look fancy, preferably both. You could even make some be unable to have tuners attached, such as a ring or earrings. They take up "smaller" spots that not everyone uses as often as the neck slots, but as a result of the small size, they can't be tuned to other channels. I think it'd be neat to have some dual-function pendants as well, such as a belt with a crystal buckle or something, but that may be too OP or conflict with the lore in same way.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:22 pm
by Akila
I'd also like to see piercings! I have one I'd love for Akila to have.

I like the idea of race-specific clothing merchants as well. Nuumic clothing is so pretty, I'd love Akila to have more of it.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 5:09 pm
by Kunren
How about a shaper of living wood? Druids can somewhat do it, but I mean someone who happens to be a Druid that has dedicated his life to that art, able to shape the wood into nearly any weapon/armor/items he wants.

I'd also like someone similar for bone/chitin but it's not as supported lore wise sadly.

Merchant ItemsRe: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:56 pm
by Dianne
more items to cook with, exotic fruits and vegies, dishes such as plates and flatware, hair ornamentations, mounts other than just your standard warhorse and such, clothing, Vases so we can put the wild flowers in something to make them useful, and candy! I would love to see candy!

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:40 am
by Fog
I'd like to see some special or unique clothing from their travels around the world. Some hair choices that are unique to the peddlers would be cool, too.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:26 am
by Acarin
Akila wrote:I'd also like to see piercings! I have one I'd love for Akila to have.

I like the idea of race-specific clothing merchants as well. Nuumic clothing is so pretty, I'd love Akila to have more of it.
I'm definitely in support of piercings. I'd like to see piercings made of organic materials too (bone splinters, thorns, wood) in addition to metals and stone.

Re: Peddlers want to know - what's in demand?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:36 am
by vidor
I'd love to see a traveling brewer who can sell imported beers, spirits, and wines. Impress your friends with a barrel of extraordinarily fine imported wine.