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Help with finding my character name?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:42 am
by dark

I'm really sorry to ask this, and I freely admit I am an utter dope.

I originally registered a female character under the name Darklena. I was asked by the admins to change it, which is absolutely fare sinse I admit I was mostly just trying the game out for purposes of creating the entry on the site database, and it is a bit of a stupid name.

However, then I developed a rather serious and nasty case of the flue, and utterly forgot what name my character had been changed to. Sinse I didn't change the character reference in the client I can't find the new name. I thought it was thesia orthestra or something with a th, but like a total dumb dumb I can't recall.

I do believe an e-mail was registered,dark at x g a m dot org and obviously I found the password to this forum.

I do know what my password was, but I don't seem to be able to find the right name.

My character was as yet an unclassed short woman of the Parr race with red hair and a knack for woodlands skills and staff fighting, I was just playing with fletching and getting good with a boe while I considered what guild to join.

If giving out character information is totally against policy, or if there isn't a way to find my character's name, that is okay, I admit it's my own stupid fault for not changing the character reference in Vipmud or saving one of the logs.

However before I start a completely new character and need to work at raising all my skills again,I thought I would ask just in case.

Re: Help with finding my character name?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:56 am
by Kunren
dark wrote:Hello.

I'm really sorry to ask this, and I freely admit I am an utter dope.

I originally registered a female character under the name Darklena. I was asked by the admins to change it, which is absolutely fare sinse I admit I was mostly just trying the game out for purposes of creating the entry on the site database, and it is a bit of a stupid name.

However, then I developed a rather serious and nasty case of the flue, and utterly forgot what name my character had been changed to. Sinse I didn't change the character reference in the client I can't find the new name. I thought it was thesia orthestra or something with a th, but like a total dumb dumb I can't recall.

I do believe an e-mail was registered,dark at x g a m dot org and obviously I found the password to this forum.

I do know what my password was, but I don't seem to be able to find the right name.

My character was as yet an unclassed short woman of the Parr race with red hair and a knack for woodlands skills and staff fighting, I was just playing with fletching and getting good with a boe while I considered what guild to join.

If giving out character information is totally against policy, or if there isn't a way to find my character's name, that is okay, I admit it's my own stupid fault for not changing the character reference in Vipmud or saving one of the logs.

However before I start a completely new character and need to work at raising all my skills again,I thought I would ask just in case.
Hopefully some help could be found, but with this particular request I would email it directly to the gm team if at all possible. With all of this information of course, and the password in question. I can't promise the name will be able to be sent out to you, but if you have the password they may consider it I suppose. The email address... Escapes my memory at the moment. I will post it here when I find it if someone doesn't beat me to it.

Ah found it. Email is:

Re: Help with finding my character name?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:51 pm
by dark
Thanks for that.
I wasn't aware the game's administrators had an e-mail to contact them on, but I've now sent the request along with my character's password.

I am quite prepared either to get a no or find it isn't possible to get the information, in which case I'll just start a new character (with a more sensible name).

while I wasn't exactly amazingly far along experience wise, I had played for a few hours and had advanced some skills, such as I recall having herbalism of 20 or so, so it'd be nice not to loose my progress.

Still as I said, this is entirely my fault for not changing the character reference and if I have to start again that is what I shal do.

Re: Help with finding my character name?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:20 pm
by dark
Okay, all fixed now.
Jerato was able to find my character from my e-mail address, and the name was Trinica.

typically sinse I usually go for characters with a th, the one time I try something different I forget. Oh well, all fixed now and I have updated vipmud, hurrah!

Now actually getting to shoot streight much less successfully carve my own arrows, that is another matter :D.