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CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:27 am
by Selene
Silliness aside, recent discussion has got us talking about the pros and cons of having a global OOC chat channel. As we're attempting to move the game in a more serious and focused direction, we've decided that the CHAT channel no longer fits the environment we'd like to foster and will be removing it completely, as well as the TELL command between players. Both features have a history of facilitating policy abuse and harassment, and we can no longer keep up with monitoring them nor do we care to waste time spent more valuably elsewhere.

Question will remain in order to facilitate our newer players, and a local OOCsay command will allow for the correction of typos and for other things such as arranging times for player-run events. For OOC socializing, please utilize the appropriate board on the forum or the IRC channel, which will still exist.

Enjoy your last day of CHAT, as it will automatically be disabled when Thursday rolls around.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:39 am
by Ahelis
Makes sense!

This is a very newbie question, but might I ask what an IRC channel is? Also, how does OOCsay differ from chat? Is it more of an announcement feature? Thank you!

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:56 am
by Lavi
As much as I love chat I'm very glad we're looking at this in a more serious light. I like the fact that we're going to be trying to step up our game and that means we'll be able to maybe do some other things. Still I'm excited to see you all on IRC.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:01 pm
by Fayne
Well, if this is for realzies and not fake, and I'd like to say I'm disappointed about TELL removal, though not so much CHAT's removal, since I'm always able to live without it. However, I will miss talking with people as I play, since it is generally inpossible for me to use the IRC channel and play at the same time. Guess I'll figure out how to work around it if I have to.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:02 pm
by Lae
I'm going to be really sad if this is a joke. Here is hoping that it isn't.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:21 pm
by Kunren
Lae wrote:I'm going to be really sad if this is a joke. Here is hoping that it isn't.
Ditto except backwards.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:24 pm
by jilliana
Ahelis wrote:Makes sense!

This is a very newbie question, but might I ask what an IRC channel is? Also, how does OOCsay differ from chat? Is it more of an announcement feature? Thank you!
OOCsay is what is generally refered to as a room ooc command. It's only for the people in the room. Most games don't care how much it's used, others just want it to be used for OOC clarifications like typos and posing.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:06 pm
by Solaje
I'm also a little sad about losing the tell command, but I haven't been around a lot and I'm sure you GMs know best. I rarely use "chat", but I do find that it's nice to say hello via "tell" after long absences. I also use tell when I meet someone new to the MUD, but I suppose we still have question for that.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:15 pm
by Alicia
THis is highly upsetting to be honest. I dislike entirely RP/IC games as it fosters a very -very- strange community. Having a channel to destress/relax/not RP on helps make playing an RP game enjoyable to me and I am honestly not sure how much I will like a CLOK without chat/tell.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:19 pm
by Kunren
Alicia wrote:THis is highly upsetting to be honest. I dislike entirely RP/IC games as it fosters a very -very- strange community. Having a channel to destress/relax/not RP on helps make playing an RP game enjoyable to me and I am honestly not sure how much I will like a CLOK without chat/tell.
You and many others. Tis faction warfare here for truth. Come tomorrow we will see the jokes for what they are, and if they aren't. From there we will simply have to see where the cards fall.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:08 pm
by Fayne
I'm in agreement with Alicia on the community issue. CLOK has a very tight-knit, friendly community. Do we get out of hand at times? Sure. But that's gonna happen with any group. However, if you take out practically all forms of OOC bantering, that community goes away. The only thing that will be left is everyone bitching at each other on the BBS, plus the cliques that will form from the snall groups of people that Skype with each other or use the IRC channel. So essentially, yes, you might improve the RP a little by removing CHAT and TELL, but at the price of the friendly community we have. I personally don't think I will enjoy CLOK enough to continue playing if becomes strictly RP and no OOC. If I wanted that or thought I'd still enjoy it that way, I'd ocassionally turn on the hardcore option, and I never have.

For those who hope that OOC channels are removed tomorrow, I have a simple solutions if they are not: simply turn on the hardcore option and leave it on. Don't [witch] and moan to the point that you make half of the player base, the ones who enjoy the OOC channels, become forced to play your way. Right now we all have the option, and I believe that's the way it should stay.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:22 pm
by artus
Even if I enjoy being deeply in my character, I will still say it's very serious to just make it strict to rp without any non rp at all. Tell is the command I use so often. I don't mind chat, really, because I've never use it. Clok has been my favorite rp enforce mud sofar, but don't put it too much to it, since instead of bringing joy, it'll bring stress. I feel great when I am my character, o be really honest. But well, if the mud runs without any part of one self behind the character, wouln't it be just a fake community? No point to be yourself, no poit to do anything you at least want to do sometimes, isn't that just...too serious? Some people, probably most of the newcomers find it hard to make a roll for themselves, as I've expirienced many of my friends. I never have problem with IC, but I'm sure many do.

Sorry if this post sounds harsh. I just don't want such a great mud like this to be down.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:32 pm
by Lae
This is almost certainly an April Fool's post.

I'm just sick of the constant metagaming that goes on in CLOK. Will it stop if tells and chat went away? No. I know I can use option 5 or 25, and I do quite a bit, however that doesn't stop people using tells, chat and OOC means to metagame anyway. There isn't any way to stop it, people take this game way way too serious, and can't stand to be on the bad end of anything. It's not going to change. So unstrap your angry face masks and chill. The second is coming soon and CHAT will still be enabled.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:39 pm
by artus
Seems like I couldn't catch you guys because of my time, and I completely forgot yesterday was april fool. Well, I would say that was quite successful, because it's like 99% got me into that joke. It's 10:38 in the morning, april 2nd here. I'm not sure about the western.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:39 pm
by Fayne
Wow. Just wow. I guess that's it then.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:17 pm
by Kent
Loosing the Chat command in favour of Oocsay is one thing.

Losing Tell is a kick in the teeth to many of us players. Please don't do that, instead, please promote the use of the Ignore command for players who don't like tells.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:15 pm
by Alicia
Looks like it wasn't a joke. Well CLOK it's been fun the month I've been here but I probably won't stick around much longer now. Too bad, was quite enjoying the game but with this sort of change and the comments I've been seeing recently on the BBS this is not the type of community I want to be a part of. Take care.

Edit: Over the next couple days I'll be giving away the stuff my characters have collected so at least it gets recycled instead of sitting around and being destroyed when ever the characters get wiped.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:19 pm
by Fayne
I agree, I think I myself will also be leaving if tells aren't at least re-implemented. I'll give it a couple days.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:26 am
by Jirato
Sorry to see so many folks affected negatively by this April Fools joke.

Some of you folks haven't been with us for the prior year's April 1sts, but seriously, don't believe anything we post on here on that day.

Hope y'all come hang out and CHAT with us again in the future.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:30 am
by Alicia
April Fools doesn't carry over into April second :P

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:33 am
by artus
Good lesson: be careful when you do something on april fool. Loosing players isn't fun at all. If it wasn't a joke, I bet I would spend less time with Clok, though not completely gone. Admited that I was one of those who took it serious, haha. Happy april fool evryone. Scroll back and look how angry I was in the firs post of mine, rofl jk.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:42 am
by Jirato
Heh, I don't think Selene knew we could put a timer on our gm togglechat command, which had slightly modified wording for that day. Looking back, I probably should have added something to the OOCSay command to make it a bit more obvious. We really wanted to get you guys this year because usually our "announcements" are so obvious. I mean, come on, generic abilities that allow you to one hit kill stuff once a day and grant people magic without being in one of the magic guilds?

we can and do turn off chat from time to time when there's either something super important going on IC or when it just gets way too inappropriate and there are multiple people involved. But I'm pretty sure we've all decided that as much as we dislike the inappropriate stuff and the metagaming, CLOK has had chat too long to just rip it away. It wouldn't really solve any metagaming issues either because people would just gather on Skype, AIM, IRC, etc.

I played a RP enforced MUD for years without OOC chat and Tells and loved it... But it's not for everyone, and probably not for CLOK. Maybe if we ever d a CLOK II...

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:49 am
by artus
The moment of sadness flies away. The moment of happyness should come now. Lets go die in Emleth thousand times! Lol just kidding. I use that place for weird purpose, to let the archers lodge some arrows into my body and I'll get free arrows, haha. Artus is a very crazy ranger.

Hmm, I still can't get what the exact thing we can do with out-of-guild channels. Might have a look more at the new abilities topic to see what's been going on there.

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:52 am
by Selene
I was surprised at how many of you fell for it, especially with how much we GMs enjoy messing with your titles and bantering over CHAT. We have no plans to get rid of it and occasion enjoy it ourselves, when it doesn't get out of hand.

Letting it carry over a little longer was just to scare you. :)

Re: CHAT Channel to be Removed

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:20 am
by artus
Ugh, so evil, haha. Clok can't live without ic+ooc, in my opinion. It's how the world goes. I enjoy being Artus there. Too bad I can't give myself a last name.