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Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 2:18 pm
by Sneaky
Hey guys, so I couldn't find the old post about this, so figured I'd just make a new one. Combat works now and has had a bit of an upgrade in my opinion.

The link can be found here. ...
Professions are going to get a looking at on this net update. Any feed back or questions can be posted here. Some aditional commands that I forgot to put in the read me are as follows.
Gv= <number>
mind the capital G, If you want to mute the ambience sounds set it to 20, anything lower will make it bug out, this is still being worked on and will be improved greatly upon the next release.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:59 am
by blindndangerous
Thanks for this, will give it a try, and let you know if I find any bugs.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:31 pm
by blindndangerous
Since you don't seem to be getting my emails for some odd reason, (and since you asked me to do this), here's what the email said.
Things that I noticed:
1. * (*) * * damage *(*) triggers Gv wasn't capitalized, not sure if that makes a difference, but just throwing that out there.
The same is true for * attacks you with * *!
As well as for * moves in toward you, but is unable to get close enough.
This is also true for the trigger You attack * with your *!
2. The trigger Anticipating an attack from *, you quickly tumble out of harm's way and spring to your feet! is set to 200 instead of Gv.
the trigger The bulge ruptures, spraying thick, viscous fluid toward you! * acid damage (*) is set to 200 instead of Gv.
The trigger Welcome to CLOK! is set to 50 instead of Gv.
The trigger You *! Dodged! is set to 200 instead of Gv.
The trigger You stealthily move *. is set to 75, not Gv.
The trigger You find a hiding spot and attempt to blend in with the surroundings. is set to 50, not Gv.
The esp rescue sound is set to 200 instead of Gv.
The You dodged trigger is also set to 200 instead of Gv.
The trigger You didn't find any riln to take. is set to 75, not Gv.
4. The trigger A passer-by points at * and shouts, "Thief!" is missing a ) at the end, and is set to 100 instead of Gv.
The trigger You move in towards *, but are unable to get close enough. is missing a ) and is set to 50 instead of Gv.
5. You can add this as a trigger since it wasn't their, but is the exact same text, just switch one word. You use your knowledge of wilderness stealth to your advantage.
If I find anything else, I'll let you know.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 2:32 pm
by Sneaky
Updated the link, I had included the wrong files and readme when zipping it up, the new link is the correct download.
I'll be changing some of those things you mentioned, though some are that way on purpose.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:19 pm
by blindndangerous
This would be nice to have a sound for. Also, when my arrows hit, I got no sound for damage. Rolls are turned on as you said to do in the readme. Hope that's fixed as it can get really spammy really quickly.
Also, a buffer for bbs would be nice. I know that their is one in the vip pack, but since I can't review the buffers with nvda, I gotta scroll up to find them. At least I can review buffers with nvda with mush.
Their also doesn't seem to be any sounds for the different damage types. That actually was what just got me killed. Using the health command kinda got lost in all the battle text.
You fire an iron-headed oak broadhead arrow at a bloated plague-walker!

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:43 pm
by blindndangerous
Pasting a bit before, and after this error was given.
Ennielle points at an infested carrier.
A compressed ball of water surges toward an infested carrier. (++++) 40 bludgeon damage to the chest!
Several broken ribs driven into the chest! Shish-ka-carrier.
An infested carrier has been defeated.
Run-time error
World: clok
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: "]:1: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'random'
[string "Trigger: "]:1: in main chunk
An infested carrier falls to the ground!
An infested carrier is stunned!
end roundtime

A brown-robed monk
A child looks significantly reinvigorated.
Compile error
World: clok
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: "]:1: ')' expected near '<eof>'
A child's left hand has been fully healed.

Also unsure why the hunger sounds aren't playing for me.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:19 am
by KevinRoberts
Hey all,
I am new on the bbs and jus saw this pack for mush am going to give it a try and see how it works I am guessing it doesn't have area music and such like alters pack then? THat would be cool if it had that but might be more than it is worth not sure. I will give my feedback if I find any errors with the pack or things I might think need changing.
Talk to you all soon.
Kevin Roberts

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:22 am
by Sneaky
It doesn't have area music no, but it has ambience and terrain sounds for most of them. I thought music might be a little too much, sept for the intro anyway.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:25 am
by garith
was the attack sounds and damage type fixed in the last update. I am asking because I am wondering if I have the latest one.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:27 am
by Sneaky
Yes, as long as you've the options that should be enabled or disabled according to the readme in regards to combat, then yes they should be fixed.

Re: Sneaky's clokpack for Mush

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:40 am
by Sneaky
Alright, so this has been put on the backburner for a while, mainly because I wasn't aware of many people actually using this pack. Here's an update that fixes a few bugs from the previous version. Nothing new has been added, at least I don't hthink so. On the list still are sounds for elemancy damages, bow sounds, and firearms.